Painting on Location with Real Color Wheel
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Message started by MaryM on Jun 26th, 2004 at 11:23am

Title: a beginner interested in palettes, ocean
Post by MaryM on Jun 26th, 2004 at 11:23am
Hello and thank you, Don, for inviting me to join in.  I have enjoyed your site and all the information you share.  Are you aware of the site?  It has a ton of info on watercolor, color, perception, etc.   For the site map go to:

Don, I particularly appreciate the tips on painting water.  I'm hope I will improve with a lot of practice but the ocean is still mindboggling to capture.
Sorry I don't have any pictures of my own efforts to share yet.

Title: Re: a beginner interested in palettes, ocean
Post by Admin on Jul 21st, 2004 at 4:57pm
Hi Mary,
Glad you made it to the forum.

I've been away since May, 2004, I'm painting a fresco in the Northwest Territory in Upper New York until Aug 15th.
I just got a local connection here.

The problem is RGB gets darker by subtracting light which is the same as adding black pigment. We don't use black pigment, we add the correct opposit pigment to make darks. For that we need transparent colors.

<I'm making an addition here on 1-6-6>
I like Handprints site, I was just there and marval at our simularities.
This Quote I just read there. It's about the removel of the most important transparent yellows we have as artists. That's my opinion, not their's.

"Metal Complex. A small group of about a dozen azo pigments of marginal industrial significance, and (it seems) with an uncertain future in the world of artists' pigments (production of PG10 and PO65 has been recently discontinued). All combine a symmetrical pair of carbon (organic) compounds with a metal atom (usually nickel or copper). Included in this group are the azomethine metal complexes. Colors range from green (PG8) to green gold (PG10, PY117, PY129), yellow (PY150, PY153, PY177, PY179), orange (PO59, PO65), and red (PR257, PR271). Most shades are rather dull or dark in masstone, but brighten significantly in tints."
<End of insert>

Some of those colors are not the full croma colors of the RGB, they do match the Real Color Wheel's colors though. That's what makes it original.

The original difference is matching the crystal and how it gets dark with the pigment and how it should get dark. Adding white is fair, adding black is not. Yellow and Cyan need an additional pigment each to get darker

Here is a great practice, paint the waves with only a fan brush. You will feel the action with each stroke. Use a lot of practice paper, this was painted on zerox paper.

Title: Re: a beginner interested in palettes, ocean
Post by PaulC on Dec 26th, 2008 at 12:36pm
       Re: a beginner interested in palettes, ocean

I don't know if this came out right, but it is a painting of water.  Now I am wondering if I already sent this in- I do many of the same subject, often looking alike.  Anyway, it is water, with no blues and msotly the light reflected on water, not the water itself. Water is only the light which is reflected, without the light, I do not think you could see the water.

Ok, I tried to post a painting of water, but do not know if it came out correctly- I think you need better directions on how to attach a paining to a reply.  ;D :D :)

Title: Re: a beginner interested in palettes, ocean
Post by Admin on Dec 27th, 2008 at 9:33am
Hi Paul,
When You click the "Reply" link a "Browse" button is under your written comment. This will upload which ever image on your computer that you choose. It's as simple as that. the new forum, yabb2, 2013, allows for more than one image per post.

If you want to upload an image, don't choose the Quick Reply Box, you can't do it there. Choose the Reply link.

Merry Christmas!
31_kaupostorerainbowOnly600x400coloredclean72dpi.jpg (126 KB | )

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