Painting on Location with Real Color Wheel
Color Theory >> About Color >> I need some clarification

Message started by Admin on Apr 22nd, 2005 at 5:42am

Title: I need some clarification
Post by Admin on Apr 22nd, 2005 at 5:42am

madelinebk wrote:

> Hi Don!
> As I still try to apply the RCW to digital, and decypher and convert my “magic color theory” to digital, I noticed something I need >some clarification on.

RGB is digital, the RCW is both digital RGB and printable CYMK.

>    1. In the RCW, is the centermost ring of color considered the “pure” color? Is this ring to “remind” the eye right before the color goes to black?

The center most color is it's darkest color, 10% of the pure color.
There is a ring of pure color matching the "0" ring just before the black center, that's just for information.

>    1. Your grayscale chart shows 10 steps from pure white to pure black, but the RCW shows 13 to black, why? Do you have a 13 step grayscale chart to match the RCW?
A grayscale can be any number of divisions from white to black. 10 is standard.
The RCW outside ring "00" is a tint, the large 2nd ring "0" is the pure color, below it there are 10 shade colors. The 11th ring next to the center black is only a decrative ring matching the section color.

Are there additional grayscale values not presented in the RCW? The outermost 2 rings of the RCW are not clearly defined/explained. I assume the larger ring is again the “pure” colors, as they appear to match the innermost ring before black. But, what is the purpose of the outermost ring, and what percentage of white is added to the pure color ring next to it, in order to achieve that value?

The outermost ring "00" is a 50% tint of the "0" ring.

>Is this outermost ring the counterpart to the innermost ring? If so, is it correct to assume that there would be an additional 10 levels of lightening from the “pure color” to pure white?

Yes, it's just too much info to put on one chart. Each of the 10 shades would have 10 tints to white also.

>Why is there such a dramatic transition between the outermost two rings?

The tint ring is 50% lighter.

> As you see, I’m trying to understand, but it seems the more I study it, the more questions it raises...
> Thanks for any explanations you can give me.
> Madeline

Reading the RCW.
RCW#1.00.1 to RCW#1.00.9 (=) The #1 is the first arc of color of 36, .00 is a tint of the first color, .1 to .9 is the warm to cool scale of the first color in the 0 concentric ring.

The RCW Pigment Color Number for Cadmium Yellow Lemon Opaque is:
RCW36#1.0.1, that is the coolest full chroma yellow in the yellow arc.
RCW36#1.0.9, is the warmest full color yellow in the yellow arc, a tint of Indian yellow transparent.
RCW36#1.0, is the Pure Yellow arc with10 graduated values getting darker below it, there are 36 color arcs in all,
RCW36#1.0  Yellow happens to have five different pigment color values located in it. 00 is a tint, 0 is the full mass-tone color, rings 3, 6 and 10 all have pigments in them.

Brown is the darkest intensity of yellow-greens, yellows and reds. Mix this low intensity brown with it's opposite color Ultramarine blue to Cyan for a neutral dark.

RCW36#1.00 to RCW36#36.00 are the outer rings, lighter pigment or tinted hues of this color.
RCW36#1.0 to RC36#36.0 are 100% full chroma mass-tone opaque pigments or 50% under-tone colors of the transparent pigments.
#1.00  Tint of 1st color
#1.0  Full chroma opaque 1st color
#1.0.1  First (warmest) of 9 left to right divisions from warm to cool
#1.1  First dark of 10 divisions to dark of this first color
#1.3  Mass-Color of some transparent or translucent pigments.
#1.4  Mass-Color of some transparent or translucent pigments.
#1.5  Mass-Color of some transparent pigments.
#1.6  Mass-Color of some transparent pigments.
#1.10 10% intensity of this color.

Title: Re: I need some clarification
Post by MadOz on Apr 22nd, 2005 at 2:54pm
Thank you, but PLEASE remove my e-mail addy from the post.

There are bots that scan forums looking for such things, and once harvested, they are then sold to more SPAM lists than there are colors and shades on the RCW!!!


Title: Re: I need some clarification
Post by Admin on Apr 22nd, 2005 at 9:07pm
I removed it, sorry, I didn't think.

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