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Making this forum work for you (Read 1214 times)
Oct 12th, 2004 at 9:56pm

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YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
To add your latest painting done on location just choose a medium catagory from the main page.
Use your name and picture name as the 'Start New Topic'. You can upload your image from your computer by 'Browsing' for it.
There is a small (+) on the left if you want to add more than one attachment image per post.
The ideal way to name your image on your computer is this, yourfirstnamepicturename.jpg. The best sizes are from 400 pixels wide to 800 pixels wide, at 72dpi

You can reply and comment to any topic and get notified by E-mail if you check it's Check box 'Notify of Replies'. Your choice will remain until you change it.

With the forum showing your paintings you can make it into your own viewing website by linking to it in your posts.
Copy the page url and add it to your email.
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