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I was intrigued about the non use of black (Read 5510 times)
Reply #1 - Apr 26th, 2005 at 1:28am

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YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
You're sense of color and composition are perfect, I expect great things from you.

First I would like you to paint a simple subject on location, any color subject, apple - flower..  with just 3 primary colors. No copying from any photo!

I'm going to send you the 3 primary colors in watercolors on a post card. This will teach what the different colors you are painting are composed of. In just one painting you will learn how to make to make highlights and shadows. Remember, shadows are made with the local colors opposite color.

I see your eye is good, now I have to see you're hand eye coordination. Draw and sight with one eye, paint with two.

What's your address. Send it to me in an Instant Message, the link at the top of this page. Or send it to me as an email.

Lin sent me some of her excelent photos of flowers, I'll include one to show her color and composition sense.


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Apr 26th, 2005 at 1:11am

lin   Offline
YaBB Newbies
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1

Hi Don

Thanks for the help. I have the free color wheel saved on my desktop and will print it out as soon as I get some more ink. I live here on the ocean at Powell River British Columbia. It is beautiful, where do you live? Hawaii?

I looked at your site, have joined the forum. It looks very interesting with lots of useful information. I will be attempting oils soon. When I frist found your site, I was intrigued about the non use of black. I have been learning macro photography on my own since last July. Started with two rummage sale items. The first a Windows 95 computer, the second a Fuji digital camera. The total of both cost me 40 dollars.I now have Windows xp and an Olympus c8080. I have been studying light outside and everywhere I go for sometime now and have noticed very little black anywhere.I have the color wheel but don't understand it yet. The mixing of colors to me seems difficult, so I haven't started painting yet. I checked you site but the information right now is overwhelming because it is all new to me. I've never had photography lessons or color theory so, I think I will learn fast. Could you give me some simple to understand tips to get started painting? Thanks. Here are some of my photos of flowers.
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