Prismacolor 72 color set includes 48 chroma colors, 11 tints, 13 non-color.
Here they are mounted on the 36 Real Color Wheel. 4-5-7, plus one extra added color, PC919 Non-Photo Blue as Cyan.
First make a couple copies of the uncolored color wheel, for tests when adding new colors.
Get a blank RGB 7" templet to print and color in go to:*36RCW Colors: Primary= RCW#1 is Yellow, RCW#13 is Magenta, RCW#25 is Cyan. Remove the Indigo Blue pencil PC901, and replace it with PC919 Non-photo Blue. This color does not come with this 72 color set but it is very important.
*RCW's Three Set Numbering System:
RCW#(colors from 1 to 36).(values: mass-tones = 0, tints = 009 to 001-lightest, shadow = 1 to 10-darkest)(modified from the center of that variable gradients color = 1-9)
*Values: 10 shadow blocks down to neutral dark, 9 tint blocks up to white.
*3 primary colors equally separated by 120 degrees on a circle of 360 degrees. Blend these 3 transparent colors evenly in the large outer circle blocks, or buy pre-made colors of any media. Color code each 10 degree block of color starting with pure yellow as #1.0.5, each new color is 10 degrees away in the 36 color wheel. The center color of each 10 degree range of variable colors represents all nine different colors on a 36RCW 10 degree color. The center of those nine colors is 5. Modifier is the term for the third number set.
*How to read this palette list.
PC1011 = Prismacolor pencil number for a hue called Deco Yellow, the first pencil RCWPC#01 on the RCW/Prismacolor colorwheel.
RCW#1.0.1 = Real Color Wheel Number for Deco Yellow, a tint of Lemon Yellow.
RCWPC#01 = RCW/Prismacolor pencil numbering; starting with Prismacolor's yellow PC#1 and ending with their yellow-green PC#46.
*To find a Prismacolor pencil name or PC number, search for it in your browser's "Find"
*How to print this list so the columns are evenly spaced.
Copy this type from your browser, paste it in your text editor and change the type font to Courier (a fixed width font). Print away! Fill in color blocks with Prismacolor's 72 color set + 1. Darken colors naturally without using black pigment.
RCW#1.008.9...Tint Yellow..............PC914....Cream..............RCWPC#72..RCW#1.007.5
RCW#1.0.1.....Lemon Yellow.............PC1011...Deco Yellow........RCWPC#01..RCW#1.0.1
RCW#1.0.2.....Hansa Yellow.............PC915....Lemon Yellow.......RCWPC#02..RCW#1.0.2
RCW#1.0.3.....Bismuth Yellow...........PC916....Canary Yellow......RCWPC#03..RCW#1.0.3
RCW#1.3.5.....Yellow Ocher.............PC942....Yellow Oxide.......RCWPC#04..RCW#1.3.5
RCW#1.9.5.....Burnt Umber Lt...........PC946....Dark Brown.........RCWPC#06..RCW#1.9.5
RCW#1.10.5....Burnt Umber..............PC947....Dark Umber.........RCWPC#07..RCW#1.10.5
Use Yellow's Dark Brown or Dark Umber and darken it with the opposite color, Ult. Blue
RCW#19, Pencil= RCWPC#29 Ultramarine Blue, RCWPC#30 Violet Blue
RCW#2.003.5...Tint Yellow Ocher Light..PC940....Sand...............RCWPC#71..RCW#2.003.5
RCW#2.0.5.....Cad Yellow Med...........PC917....Sunburst Yellow....RCWPC#08..RCW#2.1.5
RCW#2.1.5.....Indian Yellow Og/s.......PC1009...Spanish Orange.....RCWPC#09..RCW#2.1.5
RCW#2.3.5.....Yellow Ocher.............PC942....Yellow Oxide.......RCWPC#04..RCW#2.3.5
RCW#2.9.5.....Burnt Umber Lt...........PC946....Dark Brown.........RCWPC#06..RCW#2.9.5
RCW#2.10.5....Burnt Umber..............PC947....Dark Umber.........RCWPC#07..RCW#2.10.5
Use Yellow's Dark Brown or Dark Umber and darken it with the opposite color,
RCW#21, Pencil= RCWPC#29, Ultramarine Blue, RCWPC#30 Violet Blue
RCW#3.003.5...Tint Yell Ocher..........PC997....Beige..............RCWPC#71..RCW#3.003.5
RCW#3.0.5.....Cad Yell Dp..............PC10002..Yellowed Orange....RCWPC#10..RCW#3.0.5
RCW#3.3.5.....Yellow Ocher Deep........PC1004...Golden Rod.........RCWPC#05..RCW#3.3.5
RCW#3.7.5.....Bt Sienna................PC945....Sienna Brown.......RCWPC#13..RCW#3.7.5
RCW#3.9.5.....Burnt Umber Lt...........PC946....Dark Brown.........RCWPC#06..RCW#3.9.5
RCW#3.10.5....Burnt Umber..............PC947....Dark Umber.........RCWPC#07..RCW#3.10.5
Use Yellow's Dark Brown or Dark Umber and darken it with the opposite color, Ult. Blue
RCW#21, Pencil= RCWPC#29 Ultramarine Blue, RCWPC#30 Violet Blue
RCW#4.003.5...Tint2 Orange.............PC927....Light Peach........RCWPC#69..RCW#4.003.5
RCW#4.00.5....Tint Orange..............PC939....Peach..............RCWPC#68..RCW#4.00.5
RCW#4.0.5.....Cad Orange...............PC919....Orange.............RCWPC#11..RCW#4.0.5
RCW#4.6.5.....Burnt Ocher..............PC943....Burnt Ocher........RCWPC#12..RCW#4.4.5
RCW#4.6.5.....Bt Sienna................Pc945....Sienna Brown.......RCWPC#13..RCW#4.7.5
RCW#4.8.5.....Burnt Umber Lt...........PC946....Dark Brown.........RCWPC#06..RCW#4.8.5
RCW#4.10.5....Burnt Umber..............PC947....Dark Umber.........RCWPC#07..RCW#4.10.5
Darken with the opposite color RCW#22, Pencil= RCWPC#30 Violet Blue
RCW#6.007.5...Tint Pale Vermillion.....PC1014...Deco Pink..........RCWPC#66..RCW#6.007.5
RCW#6.0.5.....Vermillion...............PC921....Pale Vermillion....RCWPC#14..RCW#6.0.5
RCW#6.6.5.....Burnt Ocher..............PC943....Burnt Ocher........RCWPC#12..RCW#6.4.5
RCW#6.8.5.....Burnt Umber Lt...........PC946....Dark Brown.........RCWPC#06..RCW#6.9.5
RCW#6.10.5....Burnt Umber..............PC947....Dark Umber.........RCWPC#07..RCW#6.10.5
Darken with the opposite color RCW#24, Closest Pencils= RCWPC#33 Copenhagen Blue or PC#30 Violet Blue
RCW#7.0.5.....Cad Red Lit..............PC922....Blush Pink.........RCWPC#67..RCW#7.0.3
RCW#7.0.5.....Cad Red Lit..............PC922....Poppy Red..........RCWPC#15..RCW#7.0.5
RCW#7.4.9.....Red Oxide................PC944....Terra Cotta........RCWPC#16..RCW#7.4.9
RCW#7.10.5....Burnt Umber..............PC947....Dark Umber.........RCWPC#07..RCW#7.10.5
Darken with the opposite color Cyan, RCW#25, Pencils= RCWPC#29 Ult Blue or RCWPC#30 Violet Blue or RCWPC#33 Copenhagen Blue.
RCW#9.0.5.....Tint of Crimson Red......PC926....Carmine Red........RCWPC#17..RCW#9.00.5
RCW#9.0.5.....Cad Red Med..............PC926....Crimson Red........RCWPC#18..RCW#9.0.5
RCW#9.3.5.....Cad Red Deep.............PC925....Crimson Lake.......RCWPC#19..RCW#9.3.5
RCW#9.8.5.....Shade of Red Medium......PC937....Tuscan Red.........RCWPC#23..RCW#9.7.5
Darken with the opposite color RCW#27, Closest Pencils= RCWPC#36 Aquamarine, RCWPC#32 Peacock Blue, RCWPC#33 Copenhagen Blue.
RCW#11.00.5...Tint Carmine Red.........PC929....Pink...............RCWPC#65..RCW#11.00.5
RCW#11.0.5....Rembrandt Rose...........PC930....Magenta............RCWPC#20..RCW#11.0.5
Darken with the opposite color, RCW#29, Pencils= RCWPC#38 Parrot Green or RCWPC#39 Grass Green
RCW#13.007.5..Tint magenta.............PC994....Process Red........RCWPC#21..RCW#13.007.5
RCW#13.0.5....Magenta PR:122...........PC995....Mulberry...........RCWPC#22..RCW#13.0.5
RCW#13.8.5....Shade of Red Medium......PC937....Tuscan Red.........RCWPC#23..RCW#13.8.5
Darken with opposite color, RCW31, Pencil= RCWPC#39 Grass Green
RCW#15.0.5....Manganese Violet.........PC931....Dark Purple........RCWPC#24..RCW#15.0.5
Darken with opposite color RCW33, Pencils= RCWPC#39 Grass Green or RCWPC#40 Dark Green
RCW#17.007.5..Tint2 Violet.............PC956....Lilac..............RCWPC#64..RCW#17.007.5
RCW#17.001.5..Tint Purple..............PC1008...Perma Violet.......RCWPC#25..RCW#17.01.5
Darken with the opposite color, RCW#35, Pencil= RCWPC#40 Dark Green
RCW#18.00.5...Ultramarine Violet.......PC1007...Imperial Violet....RCWPC#27..RCW#18.00.5
Darken with the opposite color, RCW#36, Pencil= RCWPC#48 Sepia
RCW#19.00.5...Kings Blue Light.........PC902....Light Cerulean.....RCWPC#28..RCW#22.005.5
RCW#19.007.5..Tint2 Ult Blue...........PC1023...Cloud Blue.........RCWPC#63..RCW#19.008.5
RCW#19.0.5....Ultramarine Blue.........PC902....Ultramarine Blue...RCWPC#29..RCW#19.0.5
RCW#19.10.5...Ultramarine Deep.........PC933....Violet Blue........RCWPC#30..RCW#19.10.5
Darken with the opposite color, RCW#1, Pencils= RCWPC#6 Dk. Brown or RCWPC#7= Dk. Umber