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Wood Intarsia, Stone Intarsia (Read 2266 times)
Reply #1 - Feb 1st, 2013 at 9:00am

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YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196

Stone Intarsia, No one was ever better than CGrundke.
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Feb 24th, 2012 at 4:37am

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YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
DonL just joined and he collected a nice wood intarsia piece with no signature. I would guess there are maybe 4-5 different types of wood here. It's hard to tell, it could be the wood from just one tree. I (admin) don't know much about intarsia except that it has to be very time consuming and exact. I like exact, it's the way I paint.
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