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Acceptance of Acrylics (Read 4959 times)
Reply #4 - Apr 29th, 2013 at 7:52pm

Rency   Offline
YaBB Newbies
Color is everything!

Posts: 23
Very interesting take on the anatomy .
Thank you for sharing.
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Reply #3 - Apr 29th, 2013 at 7:19pm

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Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
I've noticed that the the ones who cheat are the same ones that win these shows. There are even techniques to cheat with, have you seen all the ads for photo mechanical projectors? Take a picture, blow it up and paint over the image. Who knows the difference? I do, when I see an action painting of a horse painted above their skill level I know that person is just coping a photo. The sad thing is I know that artist will never get any better. He will always depend on his/her morgue collection.

Studying skeletons of human and animals: last night I found myself in bed pining my arm to my side to represent the shorter upper arm bone of a bird. The whale, the horse, the bird and the human all have the same bone structure. The fingers of a bird are feathers, the thumb feathers extend outside the wings flying grasp of air to test the ambiant air its flying in. You can see the elbow on a whales fin. Finger nails are the horses hoofs. You can reshape a horse head from a human head, all the parts are there.
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Reply #2 - Apr 29th, 2013 at 3:17pm

Rency   Offline
YaBB Newbies
Color is everything!

Posts: 23
There is a lot of politics among the realists. I can see this on social medias like facebook. There are some groups, not official groups, but just a circle of friends and when the judges are from a certain group you see a lot of his buddies who belong to that same group and their girlfriends being accepted into and winning shows. It seems like this is happening more among the Oil/figure drawing classical realist artists. It is just crazy.

And then there is the media thing...which is even among pleain air painters and landscape artists and impressionists and everykind of artists...the idea that oil is better than anything else in the world and oil painting is the only real painting kind of thing. Acrylic is considered as the media for abstract/mixed media kind of works...not for "real art" according to them. just ridiculous.

Like you said no one can tell the difference between an acrylic painting and oil painting by looking at it. If i have the right technique and skill and knowledge my painting will be good..regardless of the medium. Acrylic paintings just looks like oil paintings and in many cases better than oils.

The trditional mindset is a strong bondage on these people.
Public do not care ..if you make good work they will like it.
I hope the slow revolution will reach its end goals faster.


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Reply #1 - Apr 29th, 2013 at 11:05am

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Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
The old school has no judgment at the top, the judges (Quote: One does not have to be an artist to have an excellent understanding of color, it's a science.) refuse to show their own paintings prior to excepting entries. The artist must submit to the higher authorities even before their work is judged. Everybody wants to be a judge, for the standing. This will not go on forever.

They refuse to believe oil painting are on the way out, that acrylics are a better paint. There can be no visual difference between the two types of work and clandestine acrylics could easily be the best work in the show. But what artist would lie just to be entered? These judges will accept oil work copied from photographs and called original. There are a lot of old school thoughts that have to be removed. The buying public can not be counted on to know what is good interpretation and what is copied, these judges can't even tell. The revolution is silent.

Personally, I wouldn't submit my work to a technically lessor artist to judge it. If you look at the "highly respected portrait painters of today" any good artist would tell you they are not very good. Paint a tree or rock takes the same abilities the portrait painter uses, and the best tree painters don't use photographs. They see it, they paint it. After you have painted enough trees or people you can make them do anything you want. The pure artist doesn't care about recognition so the revolution is silent.
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Apr 29th, 2013 at 5:38am

Rency   Offline
YaBB Newbies
Color is everything!

Posts: 23
Why is it that there are absolutely rare acrylic painters and acrylic paintings get accepted into many national and international PleinAir Painting Organizations and their shows. Also Portrait society of America never accepts any painting in acrylics.
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