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Watermixable oil paint (Read 1377 times)
Reply #1 - Aug 21st, 2004 at 7:48am

Admin   Offline
YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Artists using black don't interest me, there are a lot of places were they are esteemed. Not here, this forum is for those that don't resort to blacks in any form. The best artists in the world.
I would like to see what you can do using the primaries and oppositions to make darks, you can compare the work in the two styles here if you like. I'm sure you will drop the black when you do, there really is no comparison.

I've painted with every medium, water oils are hard to wash out of brushes, you can't do it with water. As far as the media is concerned, it doesn't match many oil based choices, wax choices or pure acrylics as far as handling goes.

I see the blacks make bottomless holes, lots of them, all the same and all over the place. Both the camera and the computer remove the darkest colored darks because they can't record them.

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Aug 21st, 2004 at 3:36am

SharonC   Ex Member
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

(Admin note, SharonD was a guest not an ex/member, this new forum can't find here Email address and the old forum didn't need it.)
Has anyone tried the water soluble oil paints? I have done a few paintings using them and it took some time an effort to get use to them. Right now I'm working on a still life with a silver tea pot and brass mug. I got so involved in figuring out the values that would make the metal look like metal that I didn't even notice that the paint was flowing better than ever before. Although I mostly paint in acrylics, I think I will be using these paints a whole lot more.
I know Don says no black, but the instructor I am studying with at this time uses Lamp black, Ivory black and indigo to get paint silver objects. His work is super realistic. His website is billlevers.com if any one is interested. when I use black in my paintings, I usually mix from other colors which gives me a much more colorful and alive black. Once I get the hang of painting silver, I'll experiment.
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