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Sennelier Quinacridone Magenta PR:122 (Read 3593 times)
Reply #2 - Sep 20th, 2015 at 2:25am

Admin   Offline
YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Sennelier is only good for one color, PigmentRed-122. I know you don't make your own paints so go with PR122. Each color has it's own number, no brand will mess with the ASTA standard.

As far as transparent yellow is concerned, I like Old Holland's transparent yellow orange side for a bright yellow, brown side is good for location work.
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Reply #1 - Sep 19th, 2015 at 11:02am

AngelicaV   Offline
YaBB Newbies
Rock My World With Color!
San Diego, CA

Posts: 7
So...how did this story end?  I am searching for a PR122 in oils.  In looking at the online color charts the colors really vary.  It seems that is the case in many of the paint manufactures with a number of paints on the color wheel.  I picked up a Gamblin, but it doesn't look quite right.  I was looking for Bellini Lemon Yellow.  Also do you have any alternatives to the Cad. Yellows?  I have them to use for now, but wanted to know what I might get in the future.

Thanks, Angelica
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Oct 15th, 2008 at 6:22pm

Admin   Offline
YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Dear Don,
 Thank you for your kind assistance!  I look forward to good results
and appreciate your interest.
Rosemary S (name on file)
usa: (phone number on file)
mexico: (phone number on file)

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 9:52 PM, Don Jusko <donjusko@realcolorwheel.com> wrote:

>> Rosemary S. wrote:
>> Dear Don,
>>   I am most interested in your color wheel, can I buy one already
>> printed from you?  Also, I am beginning to transition into egg tempera
>> painting and I am searching for quinacridone Magenta and see that
>> Daniel Smith no longer carries the dry pigment!
>>>Hi Rosmary,
>>> There is no replacement color for PR:122, it's unique and perfect. DS never
>>> did carry it. in fact they are the one's that called PR19 the prime magenta,
>>> everything else about them is good though. They did use it in their oil
>>> paint, but not their watercolors. Sennelier is the only supplier I could
>>> find with the PR122 dry pigment, I think they supply the whole world.
>>   Do you know of a
>> subsitute for this?  It seems that someone writing to you might have
>> substituted  Sennelier's Quina. Red for it.  What do you suggest as a
>> replacement?
>>> Don't go by brand names, you can't trust them. Sennelier carries it.
>>> Geez,
>>> I just went to their web page
>>> http://www.sennelier.fr/pdf/nuanciers/us/PIGMENT_ANG.pdf
>>> and they have PR122 listed as 679 *** T Quinacridone Red, Well that stands
>>> to reason, the world still uses the red-yellow-blue color wheel, so does the
>>> ASTM. The jar I got from them said Quinacridone Magenta. The stupid ASTM
>>> must have put pressure on them to call it red. This may not be true but I
>>> still blame them. But who is to blame for Sennelier showing a color picture
>>> of a red pigment. I don't know, they could have done better.  The rest of
>>> their web page is in bad shape also, pages not found, html codes wrong,
>>> misspelling Usa..  They are calling PV19 Primary Red also. We live in tough
>>> times. I'd say get the quin red and hope that it's still available and still
>>> magenta transparent.
>>> I just got this from their FAQ page. It's sick to say the least.
>>> "There are 3 primary colours (blue, yellow and red). By mixing those
>>> colours, you can obtain all of the other colours. If you mix the 3 primary
>>> colours, you will obtain black.
>>> Secondary colours are obtained by mixing 2 primary colours. Thus, you obtain
>>> green, purple and orange.
>>> To simplify colours' identification, you may use the chromatic circle.
>>> Colours are also classified, in a more relative and subjective way, in cold
>>> and warm colours.
>>> Usually, yellow, red and orange are considered to be warm colours. Blue and
>>> green are called cold colours."
>>> Would you let me know how it turns out for you?
>>> I went to their distributor page and see the contact in the USA is >>>415- 884-8090 Savoir Faire,
>>> zach@savoirfaire.com is their email
>>> address, I'll write them and order PR122 to find out If it's available. I'll
>>> send you a copy of the email and call them tomorrow.
>>Z.I. 2, rue Lamarck - BP 204
>>22 002 St-Brieuc Cedex
>>Tél : +(33) (0)2 96 68 20 00 - Fax : + (33) (0)2 96 61 77 19
>>Email: max.sauer@wanadoo.fr
>>   Thank you so much,
>> Rosemary S.
>> Here are the links to print a Real Color Wheel yourself and the link to the order page to buy one. (Deleated to save space)

Hi Rosemary,
I sent this letter to Sennelier just now.

Hello Sennelier,

I called,
Erika Chambers
T. 800.332.4660 EXT.11
F. 800.299.3113
Email: echambers@savoirfaire.com I asked to buy Quinacridone Magenta
PR:122 and the color that looks like Opera shown in a photo on this page.
I asked for the ingredients of the Opera looking color to match it to Opera and she sent me this page,
A Pigments all colours excepted # 108 119 549 551 555 821.pdf
which didn't help but it had your email address.

I have a local supplier with an account with Savior Faire where I placed my order for transparent Indian Yellow sub., I would like to have the chemical components of this Indian Yellow.
PR122 Quinacridone Red (which I thought was called quinacridone magenta when I bought it last time from you) and phthalocyanine blue. Would you tell me if the PB:15 is yellow/side or blue/side.

I recommend pigments on my website,
and would like to have correct information.

It is going to be great to have one company supplying the three primary transparent dry pigments.
Thank you,


There is no email connection to Sennelier, their email inbox is full and returning "undelivered". Don
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