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Students of the Met Inst of Interior Design (Read 10536 times)
Reply #5 - Feb 1st, 2013 at 9:49am

Admin   Offline
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Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Admin wrote on Mar 13th, 2009 at 12:46am:
Aleta sent me this picture from House Beautiful to comment on.


Note: Remember all primary colors on my color wheel are transparent pigments.

#36 yellow-yellow-green is opposite #18 ultramarine violet.
As the yellow-yellow-green (sunlit green) turns greener until it's at full green #31. The opposite of #31 green is magenta #13.
#16 dioxazine purple is opposite yellow-green #34.


I put similar numbers in the image to show their opposition colored objects.

The ad says purple and green make shadows, purple and green make shadow colors in the distance where the color becomes bluer. In the foreground, green's shadows are made by adding magenta. Both of the sets of colors are in his photo. So either he's blowing smoke, really lucky or he made a cheap set of upholstery look good with very little money and a good photography.

Aleta: Ok,
I understand all the opposite, numbers/colors.  I use the real color wheel with all the design images I study and critique.
The main reason I sent the image was so that you could see the type written info stating that the complement to green is purple.
I thought you might be interested in that.
I thought overall the image was soothing the eyes and looked pretty good.
After more thought and insight, yes I agree with you on the cheap furniture.
I appreciate all your feedback as well.
I see things that I would have done differently.
I would make sure the split compliments were correct!

His split combinations were off.
He went too yellow on the pillows for it to be a true split compliment.

Don: He went with too warm of a yellow, a nice cool yellow-yellow-green in it's place would have looked nice. I agree with you, that pillow is a mistake. I do want to agree with the designer because purple does look good outside because most of the green plants you see are yellow-green to yellow-yellow green which are opposite purple to blue purple.

I am a perfectionist .... so I would absolutely change some things.
I don't like things to look too contrived  either.  Then there is no personality to the design.

I am still learning, but you sure do have an eye for design and quality!!
Let me get some food.
I am running on shear determination at this point in time.
I'll get back to you.
Later.... Aleta

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Reply #4 - Feb 17th, 2009 at 8:56pm

Admin   Offline
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Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Here are some more answers to Aleta, I hope the questions are obvious.

On a past note; NY doesn't say the colors must be transparent, or that yellow darkens to brown or that cyan darkens to ult blue. But they are farther ahead than any other state.

On a past note; Remember, To mix all colors from only three colors they MUST be transparent colors. Transparent is like tranparent colored glass or transparent colored gemstones.
Did you know that carbon is one of the elements that can make every color? Yellow diamonds are just now becoming popular and cost more. The Hope diamond is cyan colored. Pink diamonds (magenta) are now more expensive then clear diamonds.

Right, dark blue would be, 36RCW#19.10.5 (.5 would be neither the warm side of the darkest block toward magenta or the cool side toward cyan)
Even though we both know we are talking the 36 RCW, it could have been a larger or a smaller one which would change the color numbers. Larger or smaller ones are made by dividing or multiplying the 36º  to an answer number that has an odd number of colors between the primaries and a secondary color. Example: the 36 color wheel has 5 colors between yellow#1 and red#7. That makes orange#4 in between #1 and #7. Doubling 36 would not work, it would make yellow#1 and red#14. That would be 12 colors after yellow and before red, no middle number.  

36RCW -  Each color is 10º, 1-2-3-4-5-6 = 60º  for each of 6 color sections. #7 is the start of a new color section, the red to magenta section. Each section is looked at as 7 colors but only contains 6 colors. It is using the first color of the next section, which is again used in that next sections count. 7 colors x 6 sections = 42 colors. We only have 36 colors, 6 colors x 6 sections = 36 colors or 360º. The middle of #1yellow to #7red is the color between 1 & 7 which would be #4orange.

If the number in each section were 9, meaning 8 actual colors plus one color from the next section would mean half way between 1 & 9 would be #5 (the new orange).
If the number in each section were 6, meaning 7 actual colors plus one color from the next section would mean half way between 1 & 7 would be #4.
So the next size up from a 36RCW would be 9colorsx6sections=54colors in 360º.
54RCW, each color = 6.666º so 6.666x54=360º

Now if you really understand this, what would be the next smaller sized color wheel?
5 colors in each section would make #1yellow, #3orange, #5red. 6 sections of 5 colors per section plus 1 color from the next section = 6x6=36 colors.
30RCW is the next smaller RCW

If the number in each section were 9, meaning 8 actual colors plus one color from the next section would mean half way between 1 & 9 would be #5 (the new orange)
If the number in each section were 6, meaning 6 actual colors plus one color from the next section would mean half way between 1 & 7 would be #4 (the new orange)

Would a 54 color wheel work? 54colors÷6sections=9colors. 8colors plus the next color over = 9 colors w/ #5 in the middle.
Would a 36 color wheel work? 36colors÷6sections=6colors. 6colors plus the next color over = 7 colors w/ #4 in the middle.
Would a 24 color wheel work? 24colors÷6sections=4colors Y=1 R=4 = 3 colors in the yellow section plus 1 color from the next section. No, it wouldn't work, 4colors has no middle color.
Would a 12 color wheel work? 12colors÷3sections=2colors 2colors plus the next color over = 3 colors w/ #2 in the middle. Yes it would work, that's the primary/secondary/tertiary RCW color wheel.

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Reply #3 - Feb 12th, 2009 at 4:46am

Admin   Offline
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Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Hi Aleta,

Thank you, let me tell you all the type of questions and answers Aleta is asking and the answers she is getting, this is from her last email. I like the way she preservers, she is a fast learner.

Subject: Alta, Don, Analogous and split complements explained.

On a 3 color wheel there is 1 set of triads and 1 set of analogous colors.
On a 6 color wheel there are 2 sets of different triads and 6 sets of different analogous colors (that's a set on each side of each color = 6 sets).
On a 12 color wheel there are 4 different sets of triads and 12 sets of analogous colors (that's a set on each side of each color = 12 sets).
On a 36 color wheel there are 12 different sets of triads and 36 sets of analogous colors (that's a set on each side of each color =  36 sets).
On a 36 color wheel there are 11 sets of split complements possible for each color. 11 x 36 = 394 split complement sets for the designer to work with.

AletaC, Ok let me study all this> I'll get it in time. & thanx

Here is the example for #1yellow; #1 to its split complements #18 & #20
That's one color on each side next to the opposite color #19blue.
Another would be two colors over from the opposite color, #1 to #17 and #21.
Another would be three colors over from the opposite color, #1 to #16 & #22.
AletaC, Ok, wow now I am really learning.
All the way up to five colors away and they don't have to be full chroma colors, they can be tints or shades of the full chroma colors.
Split complementary colors can be inclusive containing all the colors or not, just as analogous colors can be inclusive or not.

AletaC, Got it! good..>>

She understood this and send me an image from Architectural Digest and asked to explain the color scheme. She picked an excellent example of very professional work.

This looks like the main three colors are turquoise, orange and red.
Which would be #26 opposite #8 with analogous colors #4, #5, #6, #7 and #8.  
The cobalt blue lamp #24 is opposite #4.
So #4 is opposite #24, #8 is opposite #26 and the analogous colors between #4 and #8 are used.
The analogous color between #24 and #26 is also used, #25 is cyan, the color of the water seen through the glass floor to ceiling windows.

This is a very advanced and well thought out color scheme, I'm glad you appreciate it Aleta. I like the faux marble technique on the walls, columns and capitols along with the Moroccan theme.


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Reply #2 - Feb 12th, 2009 at 2:24am

AletaC   Offline
YaBB Newbies
Hello Artist
joplin, USA

Posts: 1
Nice to see some smart students of color!!!!!
I am envious, well not really I am learning mine outside of my texts!  Thanks to the generousity and brilliance of Don!!!!!!! Smiley

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Reply #1 - Dec 25th, 2008 at 6:55am

Admin   Offline
YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Hi Deborah,

Thanks for sending this picture to me it was a nice
christmas present. That's a classy looking color class. Hello to you all.

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Dec 25th, 2008 at 6:45am

Admin   Offline
YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Hi Don,
Here are some of my students from the "Advanced Color Class" from the "Metropolitan Institute of Interior Design."
Thank you for all of your help and support, and a happy new
Sincerely, Deborah Batterson
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