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Why is magenta called PR:122? (Read 1164 times)
May 9th, 2009 at 9:00pm

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YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
The AATCC (American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists) is wrong, they are using color theory from 1921 which had red, yellow and blue as the primary colors so magenta is called Pigment Red 122 (PR:122). Pigment Blue 15 is cyan PB:15. This throws off color theory 2000 right to today. Our schools still teach this old color theory, the one you and I and everyone else was taught in school. The States School Standards mandate what can and what is being taught today. Every state in the union is forced to teach that red, yellow and blue are the primary colors. While we artist and printers know this is not true though it is still being taught.

AATCC Colorants are listed according to the widely acclaimed system of Colour Index Generic Names and Colour Index Constitution Numbers. A detailed record of products available on the market is presented under each Colour Index reference. You need an account number and password to use the Colour Index. The AATCC is a members only club and it costs $110. per year to view their index.

I think it will take massive inside and outside pressure from schools, artists and textile professionals for them to update and change their color names. They are not too big to change.
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