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Self Portrat, Oil, mirror (Read 2159 times)
Jan 22nd, 2013 at 7:25am

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YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Mirror self portrait, oil, 11x15
It took me a week, the final finish is four coats of dammar without any drier. It will never yellow. The oil may but pure damar won't. I'm testing this new forums ability to upload images from my computer, it works fine. I set it to accept jpg, JPG, gif, and png. This image is a 586x800, 72 dpi, png, it's good not to have to scroll to see the whole image.

I was just given a hardcover book of Rembrant, It has his portrait on the cover. I haven't started it yet but I'm going to use his colors, white, Naples yellow, vermilion and black. He painted this portrait with candles or an oil lamp for lighting. One point light, chiaroscuro.
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