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What about Viridian Green .. (Read 2400 times)
Reply #3 - Apr 28th, 2013 at 11:18pm

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YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
R) I have already checked the new page. It is good.
Thanks, I still have to work on the index and placement of topics in the index order. final.htm is the trunk of the whole tree, each painting are the leaves.

R) I feel like you should work with a paint company or by yourself and make a line of oil paints and acrylic paints that would overcome the issues they have now.
D) I'm not into this for money and by-in-large the pigment world is doing just fine. I really don't have time even to paint. I can't wait until I'm caught up cleaning up my site. 30 years of painting on Maui and not even having a phone gave me the time to paint everything I wanted to. Now I'm stuck with a computer everyday and it's a never ending story. I am happy to have transcribed all my notes.
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Reply #2 - Apr 28th, 2013 at 4:35pm

Rency   Offline
YaBB Newbies
Color is everything!

Posts: 23
Thank you for the info.
Makes sense.

I have already checked the new page.
It is good.

It is a lot of work to write all these things you have up there..tons of info...it is wonderful that you can save all these to remain for the future. I appreciate all your works for artists.
I feel like you should work with a paint company or by yourself and make a line of oil paints and acrylic paints that would overcome the issues they have now.

Anyway thanks again..your paintings are beutiful.

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Reply #1 - Apr 28th, 2013 at 3:06am

Admin   Offline
YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Viridian Green, it's made synthetically and includes black pigment which I stay away from.
Another pigment I stay away from is Naples yellow in watercolor, it dries darker instead of lighter like the rest of watercolors. White dries darker also. I made some white last year that included some lime white with the titanium white. The reason was I wanted a white to block out color, not to mix with them. The lime neutral pigment has bigger grit and doesn't sink into the paper like titanium or zink does.

There are two other colors that left my palette early on. Payne's Gray in watercolors sticks out wherever it's used. The other is an oil paint, a light off yellow called Gamboge. I limit my palette to colors I can use often, gamboge won't make it as the yellow, it won't get brighter and wherever it used it sticks out, here is a page on the last time I used that color.

The original gum gamboge was the color of earwax, clear and you could lighten it, but not brighten it. Indian yellow brown side replaced it. In 1899 Indian yellow was politically dropped. Old holland made a synthetic at that time from the element Nickel. The colors were good and matched the cow urine colors orange and brown. We didn't have the internet back then and the world never knew it was available so it stayed on the shelf all through the wars. After the wars colors were made of petroleum and there were no transparents colors. Art was at ground zero. Loud artists like Picasso got the attention, there were no good artists left. Courbet was the last to leave France, the bad artists were taking over.

I just posted a re-make of the page I hope you visit. All about Color.
It took years to write, more years to transcribe to the computer and the last two months setting up the index. It's not completely done but it's workable.
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Apr 26th, 2013 at 4:32pm

Rency   Offline
YaBB Newbies
Color is everything!

Posts: 23
I think I do not see viridian among the RCW greens...I know that there is a reason and i would like to know it.
Will you please talk about it ?
Please talk about some other colors/paints that you have avoided also and the reasons.

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