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LaurieBlair2016 (Read 6600 times)
Reply #11 - Jul 13th, 2016 at 7:53pm

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Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Surprise Show: Brimfield, MA

We will be showing our work at Brimfield, MA  Thursday and Friday (14, 15)...

We'll be in Stand 13 At May's Antique Market (10 Palmer Road) contact us at:  860.733.9483

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Reply #10 - Jul 11th, 2016 at 11:36pm

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Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
A Point of Reference.
This past week we picked up friends from their boat in Rhode Island and drove them back to their home on Long Island.  I think it was one of the most beautiful routes we have ever driven.  We took the ferry from New London to Orient Point, on Long Island.  Blair, Harika and I sat outside, on the deck of the boat, in the fresh air.  We passed the former light house that looks like a miniature Victorian building --   really it is as big as a normal house, but there is no point of reference out in the ocean.

We drove by farm stands and fish stores, stocking up on steamers for dinner.   The sun took on that deep golden hue one sees by the sea.   Thick air, very warm. 

Our friends have a delightful home, handmade of bits of wood.   Harika chased the goose.  We talked about what we are doing,  politics (of course, impossible to avoid) and getting older.  Thinking about getting older is against my better judgement:  the most successful old people I know NEVER think about being old.   We know people as old as 102, and they never stopped doing the things they always did:  playing bridge, going to art openings, having fun.  And I can’t tell if they had a shaky bit in their 60s and 70s.   I don’t think so.

On Wednesday, we painted from our friend’s boat.  A big supporter of our Monet painting boat idea, we made a “shake down” cruise on his sailboat.  The sun was a little too hot, but the basic idea was wonderful.    It will take some getting used to, but I am going to find a new route to realize the idea.

We are searching for that perfect new art show.  Later in the month we’ll have our “porch show” on Highland Lake in Winsted.  Meanwhile, we will be at the Madison Connecticut Scranton Library show on 22-23 July from 1-5 PM.   We went to the Elephant’s Trunk flea market to see if it is a good venue—it wasn’t, but we bought an old ship’s log that I am printing on.  Call us if you want us to bring our paintings to your house. 
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Reply #9 - Jul 3rd, 2016 at 9:03pm

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Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Two weeks in one post. They left Italy and went for vacation back in the Northeastern USA for the summer at Hemlock Lodge. Painting all the time not in the plane.
Artnotes: Benevolence ...
Artnotes: Bulky Baggage
Harika sat in the corner of the “Bulky Baggage” room at Milano Malpensa Airport on Sunday.   She performed a tragedy worthy of an Italian diva.  “Povero cane” a woman in the room wailed.  Harika ate it up.  I always say if I could describe Italy in a word, it would be ‘drama’:  the good, the bad, the ugly.  Harika, about to be condemned to prison over the Atlantic;  looking over her shoulder at me as she was urged into her air kennel, she shot a dagger.
On the other end, she managed to bounce out of her cage (so large we had to rent a special car) yipping and jumping, all forgiven, celebrating by drinking gallons of water.
I notice the hot water seems to be working better this year; no leaks yet, despite the rain.  A violent electric strike just feet from the house raises the hairs on my arm.   Books I didn’t finish last year are still here, covers not warped.   Trees are taller.  A squirrel runs across the yard.  New bird sound.   My bathing suit arrived by mail and actually fits.  Seven new reading books.
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Reply #8 - Jun 11th, 2016 at 12:49pm

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Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
One never knows when the creative urge will hit…it almost never hits Blair nor I when it is raining outside, so this afternoon, when the sun came out we went hog wild.

Blair raced up to the campanile to paint – he’d been there earlier in the week, ringing!  Unlike many up-to-date towns with electronic bells, we still have bell ringers.  Actually, the hourly bells are mechanically activated, but the four big bells are rung, in changes, by a team of bell ringers.  We were walking by there on Monday night, when they practice, and they invited us up to the belfry.  The stairs, ladders really, were quite rickety.  I decided it might be best to stay below with Harika.   I knew I could climb up there, but climbing down for me is heart-thumping.  Scared: now you know. 

And although they had earphones for humans, they had no dog-size mufflers.  Harika hates bells, anyway, coming from an Islamic country as she does:  in Tunisia it was thought that where there were bells, angels weren’t.  When we first brought Harika to the USA at Christmas, she barked at every Salvation Army bell-ringer.   She’s moderated since, but this would have been too much.  Blair enjoyed for the whole family, ringing his bell.

I got 20 kilos of terra-cotta, and sitting on our sunny porch, I crafted a chicken family and a man with a hat.   I am planning to sculpt some full size heads, but have to wait for the balloon store (the Eta-Beta newsstand) to open.   We’ll see.   This was all instigated by the full size horse-head sculpture Blair has underway.

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Reply #7 - May 28th, 2016 at 5:29pm

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Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
5-28-16,SAT,Up ON, at 7am, will I paint today? I have the soft lit purple out and the tree spotted.
Laurie painted this last Monday.

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Reply #6 - May 22nd, 2016 at 6:25pm

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Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Laurie: On Sunday, the telephone rang.  “Can you come outside?” the voice asked.   And there, in front of the house was a marvelous Appaloosa, with a friend, G, in the saddle.  To me, the Appaloosa is the best sort of horse, with spots.  Although I am not a rider, I love to see the horses.

We have a project to create a horse head in terra cotta, or similar material, to hang in Rainbow’s yard.   We had hoped to do it over the winter, but the basement was simply too cold to work in.  So June looks like the month of the horse head sculpture.  We’ll keep you posted. Laurie & Blair.

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Reply #5 - May 19th, 2016 at 12:56am

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Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
This YaBB board was down for awhile, here is the rest of May 2016.
Thanks for joining the forum Dandello, and thanks for getting this forum up and running. It's Perl's fault, she showed up unannounced. (that's a joke)

4-23-16SpringFieldsWithMonteCimone-Blair-acrylic-wood $275.
DonJ: Nice aerial perspective colors Blair.

Laurie: Pint-size chickens adorn our yard, enveloped in our knee-high prairie.  Some have funny “Mohawk” haircuts, and I suspect these are the potential roosters.   Harika (the dog)  puts them through their paces, and we are careful not to feed her chicken.   The yard is a veritable jungle for the under 16” set, and I imagine cities and festivals, churches and bordellos below.

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Reply #4 - Feb 13th, 2016 at 6:18pm

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Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
In Search of Paradise
Tulips In Feb,2016
When we brought Harika to the veterinarian for the first time, in La Marsa, Tunisia, Dr. B said, “you must take this dog.  Whatever you do (go back to France or stay in Tunisia), for her it will be paradise.”  We had not yet committed to the care of Harika for life, but wanted her to have some critical vaccines that many animals lacked in Tunisia.  Of course, the rest is history, and Harika does live in paradise, with her two acre yard, and fine meals, and a good night’s sleep every night, yes, on the bed.  She’s adopted the car (the Cream Puff) as her dog house and sleeps in the backseat a good part of the day.
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Reply #3 - Feb 1st, 2016 at 5:22am

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Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Today I walk to the shore and feel the embrace of the salty air, the sunshine.   I love the sea.  I can breathe, like the sea, the lungs of the earth:  breathing in energy.
Don: I liked that.

We went to see a marvelous show in Genoa on a rainy day.   It was the collection of impressionist art from the Detroit Art Museum, and every single piece was wonderful.  I saw a formerly unknown (to me) Bonnard, and a great butterfly painting by Odilon Redon (no googly eye, this one).  I had never visited the Detroit Art Museum, and I am very glad they didn’t sell their collection as considered years back when facing bankruptcy.  Waiting things out is sometimes the best policy.

Fishing boat late day sun    Blair Pessemier   Acrylic/linen  16 x 16"  40 x 40cm     350.00
“You better not have my dog in that picture”, a crone in Diano Marina charged across the beach and shouted at us.  I was taking pictures at the beach, and yes, dogs, many of them, were part of the picture.    Why would she care?  I wanted to ask.  Did the dog commit a crime?  Was the dog stolen? Is it supposed to be dead?  I was 100 yards away and it was a silly little Chihuahua in a black plastic coat.
Don’t worry, a friend says, crones bring good luck in Italy.   So, if you are looking for a lucky crone, this is the place. 
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Reply #2 - Jan 17th, 2016 at 9:01pm

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Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Artnotes: Waiting it Out

When I arrived in Cervo on Sunday last, the sea asked me, “where have you been for so long?” Angry, black-turquoise waves broke over the jetties, tearing ton-sized boulders out of the breakwater.  The wind shook the trees, and branches lie in the road.  Clouds flew by.

Today I walk to the shore and feel the embrace of the salty air, the sunshine.   I love the sea.  I can breathe, like the sea, the lungs of the earth:  breathing in energy.

We are toughing out the cold in the sunshine, while our house sits in freezing temperatures in Rocca Malatina.  It is with mixed feelings we are here.  On the one hand, I would prefer to be “at home”, but on the other, I don’t need a fur coat indoors here.  Did we make that bad a judgement by taking our house in the hills?  The furnace works fine, but the single paned windows challenge the boiler to heat the entire planet.

We are painting a lot here – more than a 16 canvases this week.  http://www.artnotesparis.blogspot.com/ Part of it is the angst of travel, another part is the beauty of this area.  The mimosa is in bloom, and lemons and oranges hang heavy in the trees.  I have seen two kumquat bushes/trees in fruit.    We are eating outside every lunch time and we take walks on the beach every day, with our four legged dear one.

We went to see a marvelous show in Genoa on a rainy day.   It was the collection of impressionist art from the Detroit Art Museum, and every single piece was wonderful.  I saw a formerly unknown (to me) Bonnard, and a great butterfly painting by Odilon Redon (no googly eye, this one).  I had never visited the Detroit Art Museum, and I am very glad they didn’t sell their collection as considered years back when facing bankruptcy.  Waiting things out is sometimes the best policy.
And if you can wait it out in the warm sunshine, it’s even better.

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Reply #1 - Jan 9th, 2016 at 7:58pm

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Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
ARTNOTES: Sound Track
(Blair did this one)
All this week I’ve awoken with giant ideas.  I have thought of art shows in our fields this spring, of making figures of cement (or terra cotta) to place along the driveway, of love and what it really is.   I have started pursuing the pop up show idea in Bologna, but may make a venue change to Florence.   I have a terrible time sleeping in the dark days of winter – I could fall asleep at 7 and could get up at 2.  I just can’t tell, when it’s dark and quiet, like it is here, what time of the day or night it is.
Don; Last night I went to sleep at 10pm and woke up at 5am. Winter is tough.
The roosters seem to be in the same boat – they crow at midnight.  They are crowing now.  They crow constantly, it seems, the current sound track to my life.  When they don’t crow, like in the fog, it is perfectly silent.  Our prior sound track was sirens in the streets of Paris, a frightening, non-organic sound.  It wasn’t always that way [in Paris], but when we moved to a street side (as opposed to courtyard) location for more light, we got more noise.
Don; I'm on a street, to beat the car and rooster noise I keep the door closed.

My favorite soundtrack was when our neighbor Olivier, in Paris, played the piano.  He wasn’t Liberace, or Glenn Gould, but he played Bach – one song, over and over, trying to perfect it.  I came to love the sound, and could recognize when he was angling for that one, fatal mistake, before he made it and would start over again.

Went to Bologna this week to see a Guido Reni and Carracci show, with the added surprise of our friends taking us on a walking tour of the city, which we will take you on someday, too.   Bologna was empty, the audio to a minimum (it’s a pedestrian city) – just the tap tap of shoes on the terrazzo sidewalks, echoing under the loggias.  It was a rare day of filtered sunshine, and we visited the seven churches of St. Stefano, all chimed together.

We’re headed for the sound track of the sea tomorrow.  We’ll go to Cervo, Liguria, where we went last Christmas.  We miss the frescoed ceilings, and the big patio, where we can eat lunch in the sun and hear the lapping of the waves.

Laurie and Blair PESSEMIER
via d'Azeglio 808
Rocca Malatina (Guiglia) MO 
41052 Italia
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Jan 3rd, 2016 at 9:04pm

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YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
First Painting, 2016, Laurie Fox Pessemier, Acrylic/linen, 12x16" 30x40cm, $190.00

We’re planning a trip to Vienna this coming week – crazy, in light of the weather, but timely for an art show.  Afterward we are seeking warmer climes, or at least a better insulated house for the remainder of winter.    Our magnificent white elephant is so cold at night that I have been wearing my fur coat while sitting on the sofa, and we go to bed fully dressed, complete with hats.  Harika is ok – in fact, she likes it; her fur is integral.

“So, do you keep your resolutions?” a friend asks, cynically.  I explain that I don’t make those “lose weight” kinds of promises.  I think about friends, accomplishments, life.   The transition from year to year is when one can reflect on how things are going, how they could be better. In fact, my New Year’s resolutions have become the guideposts of my life. 
Laurie and Blair Pessemier
via d'Azeglio 808
Rocca Malatina (Guiglia) MO
41052 Italia

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