"En Plein Aire is Painting on Location"
Oil Palette Colors

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36RCW#22, Cobalt Blue Light Opaque, PB28 + white

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Granite intrudes with its hottest leading edge forming cassiterite, tin. The copper sulfides form second, chalcopyrite is the primary copper ore formed in quartz. Third would be cobalt, nickel and arsenic. Than the zinc-lead zone, with zinc sulfide as sphalerite ore, lead sulfide as galena ore, than silver. Finally, the iron rich zone with iron carbonate as siderite ore, the dominate mineral of the world.

COBALT. native is a pale violet-magenta color. Cobaltite is a native mineral ore, cobalt arsenic sulfide, it's an opaque cool magenta color.
COBALT. Black oxide of cobalt fires cobalt blue. China 2500 B/C on pottery, 500 B/C Roman, maybe earlier, they made a cobalt smalt after the cyan Egyptian frit of copper.
COBALT-TIN. Cobaltous stannate, cobalt and tin oxide in potash glass, light cobalt blue colored smalt, Egyptian or Greek or Roman.

PB28 oxides of cobalt and aluminum = Cobalt Blue

TIN OXIDE is black and fires white, mix tin oxide and cobalt oxide with heat and you get cerulean blue. You can get a similar blue by mixing and firing tin and copper chalcanthite with quartz sand like the Egyptians did, this made their highly prized frit colors, which they traded through the Phoenician's, ancient-world-wide. Smelt tin ore and copper ore and you'll get bronze. Bronze is the metal the Egyptians made their saws out of to cut the limestone for their great pyramids. I think this was the "mud" they built their houses with.

Salts of metals categorize themselves in color, nickel is green, copper is blue, cobalt is rose and anhydrous blue, chromium is yellow to dark red and iron is from yellow and red to brown. This note is taken in my color theory of rim and centering colors in elements.

       Cobalt = Azure Blue
       Cobalt + Uranium = Green
       Cobalt + Zinc = Ultramarine Blue tint
       Cobalt + Chromium + Manganese = Black


COBALT turns black with sulfur.

COBALT Oxide is black, calcinated it becomes cobalt blue, fired in potash glass it becomes smalt, a popular early Roman color.

COBALT blue today is a mixture of cobalt oxide, aluminum oxide and titanium white.

COBALT violet is a very important cool magenta, (cobaltous phosphate) by Bocour, New York, is the best I've ever seen, it's not available anymore. There is also a German cobalt violet dark, (cobaltous oxide arsenate) if they still make it.

COBALT salts with potassium nitrite make the translucent color aureolin yellow.

SULFUR will turn all lead colors black, also tin, copper, cobalt, cadmium, manganese, arsenic and antimony.

TIN oxides are black, by calcination they become white, tin oxide (stannous chloride) plus cobalt oxide (cobalt sulfate) fired together become cerulean blue, tin and copper fired together become an even cleaner cyan tint, like the Egyptian frit.


There is no pre-made transparent pigment paint for the color MCCC, Azure, Cobalt Blue is a close color but opaque.
It matches the ancient popular color of Azurite. Cu3[C03]2[0H]2, a copper idiochromatic color. Azure can easily be made with copper phthalocyanine blue and a good ultramarine blue or a little transparent cobalt violet (magenta). In fact with a transparent cobalt violet, (the coolest magenta), you won't need ultramarine blue, you can make it. One way or the other, azure is a beautiful color that nature uses often. The new pigment Opera also is a beautiful tint of magenta that makes bright reds and blues.

Cobalt- Oxides and native, Magenta [MMMM] and cool magenta [MMM1/2C], natural or calcined to Ult.Blue [MMCC].

Cobalt is a metallic silver pink element.

Crystal 14,
SPINEL, MgA1204, H8+, SG-3.6, cubic octahedra, idiochromatic.

MANGANESE, deep transparent red pigment color that lightens to Cadmium Red hue, opaque. The Ruby crystal is a Cadmium Red transparent hue.

ALUMINUM, adds yellow sometimes, it enhances other elements.

CHROMIUM, allochromatic chromium, which gave the red to ruby's gives spinel a real kick in the red mass dark, and it never leaves the red spectrum color.

COBALT, bright blue, with allochromatic cobalt, it does well here in aluminum's opposite second home. 

Crystal 28, 
CALCITE, CaCO3, H3 STANDARD MOHS', SG-2.7, trigonal crystals, also aggregate and mass, colorless transparent to translucent. IT HAS THE COMPLETE PRIMARY PIGMENT TRIAD REAL COLOR WHEEL IN CRYSTAL. 

IRON, Yellow allochromatic.

COPPER, "Iceland Spar", Cyan, allochromatic, polarizing filter. Cyan only shows from one direction.

COBALT, "Sphaeroc Cobaltite", standard Magenta Cool,#5, [MMMM], allochromatic.

Earth Quantity Cobalt .002

PB28 oxides of cobalt and aluminum = Cobalt Blue

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