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Pigment Placement on the Real Color Wheel (Read 2624 times)
Reply #1 - Dec 14th, 2003 at 7:18am

Admin   Offline
YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
The web page.. http://www.realcolorwheel.com/colorwheel.htm

A True Transparent Test, the under-tone of any tested pigment will not show lighter on a black paper.

Translucent pigments are semi-transparent or semi-opaque, weak opaque colors. Both strong and weak opaque colors will lighten a black paper, so they are not transparent.
Aureolin, PY40, Potassium Cobaltinitrite, is not transparent as has always been claimed, it's a translucent, a weak opaque. Chemicals can make a transparent dark brown pigment, oxides can make translucent and opaque pigments.

Here are the transparent yellow chemical pigments. Indian Yellow can be made with these Chemical Class colors;
Dioxine Yellow Nickel Complex which makes Nickel Dioxine Yellow PY153 and PG10.
Disazo, which makes Dairylide Yellow HR70.
Anthraquinone, which makes Anthrapyrimidine Yellow.
Tetrachloroindolinone, which makes Isoindolinone Yellow R, the brown/side Indian Yellow.

Using Primary Transparent Yellow.

Indian Yellow is a set of two colors, transparent yellow-orange to yellow and yellow ocher hue to yellow. One is a strong bright yellow as a tint and is used to mix with magenta making orange to crimson rose, including bright red, the other is for darker yellow browns and greens before adding burnt umber.  These two transparent duel-toned colors mix into a lot of greens.

   * Daniel Smith, Indian Yellow (hue), Anthrapyrimidine Yellow, Vat Yellow 20, PY108. 68420. duel-toned from yellow hue to yellow.
   * Lefranc and Bourgeois, Indian Yellow (Imitation), PY153 Nickel Dioxine Yellow Complex,  is a translucent duel-toned yellow-orange mass-tone to cadmium yellow hue under-tone and top-tone. Makes great reds and warm yellows.
   * Grumbacher Indian Yellow Hue, PY1 Arylide Yellow G / PO1 Hansa Orange, translucent, less dual-toned then Nickel Dioxine Yellow.
   * Talens, Indian Yellow, PY110 Isoindolinone, from yellow-orange-ocher to yellow. Makes clean reds and warm yellows.
   * Talens, Gamboge, PY97 Arylide Yellow Fgl, Duel-toned orange-ocher to yellow.
   * Schmincke, Chrome Yellow Deep (misnamed, not lead chrome), PY83 Diarylide Hr70, from yellow pale to yellow deep duel-tone. Makes clean reds and warm yellows.
   * Sennelier, Yellow Lake, PY83 Diarylide Hr70 / PY43 Yellow Ocher Iron Oxide. These are the same pigments as in Old Holland's Indian Yellow Brown Side. Duel-toned translucent.
   * Schmincke, Permanent Yellow Deep, (Indian Yellow hue), Pr154 Benzimidazolone Yellow H3g / PY10 Isoindolinone Yellow R. Makes clean reds and yellow-orange yellows.
   * Sennelier, Yellow Lake, PY83 Diarylide Hr70 / PY43 Yellow Ocher, is not transparent so it is not really a Lake (transparent) color. It's translucent because of the addition of Yellow Ocher Oxide.
   *Old Holland, Indian Yellow Org/side and Brn/side, nickle and iron, PY153, PY108, PG10F

Daniel Smith Water Colors matching the Real Color Wheel.
Any manufacture can plot an exact color match in any media on this available 32x32, 360 degree CMYK printed realcolorwheel for artists.
Use a spectrograph read of the RCW print, find matching numbers of your choosen color chip. Or, use the RGB table numbers of the RCW
to match your photographed color chips RGB numbers.

Real Color Wheel for Artists Grid Description/Example.

RCW36Ring#1 is the first 10 degree arc color, yellow.
RCW36Ring#1.00 is a 50% tint of the full chroma color of Arc #1, yellow.
RCW36Ring#1.0 is a main full chroma color of arc #1 yellow.
RCW36Ring#1.10 equals the darkest shade before going black.  That's 10 blocks of shades going to the center black.
*To plot left or right on any color block, use the 10 degree lines as separators. The progression starts at warm yellow.
.05 is the fifth, degree separated, unseen block of nine full chroma graduated colors. They join the adjacent left and right 10 degree arcs.

Start Pigments on the Real Color Wheel

RCW36#1.00 Lemon Yellow Chromate
RCW36#1.00 Nickel Titanate Yellow, D.S.  Nickel Titanate, PY53, 77788
RCW36#1.00 Hansa Yellow Light,  D.S. Arylide Yellow 10g, PY3, 11710
RCW36#1.0.1 Aureolin, Cobalt,  D.S. PY40, 77357, translucent, non staining yellow
RCW36#1.0.2 Cadmium Yellow Light, D.S. opaque, PR35, 77205
RCW36#1.0.3 Zinc Yellow, opaque
RCW36#1.0.5 Cadmium Barium Yellow Pale, opaque
RCW36#1.0.6 Indian Yellow, D.S.  top-tone tint, Anthrapyrimidine Yellow, transparent, PY108, 68420, duel-toned from ocher mass-tone hue to yellow, Br/s, or Nickel complex PY153
RCW36#1.0.7 Gamboge Lake, top-tone, translucent, synthetic
RCW36#1.3 Gamboge Lake, mass-tone, translucent, synthetic
RCW36#1.3 Nickel Azo, mass-tone, Yellow, translucent, PG10
RCW36#1.6 Indian Yellow, D.S.  mass-tone, Anthrapyrimidine Yellow, PY108, 68420, duel-toned from ocher mass-tone hue to yellow, Br/s
RCW36#1.10 Burnt Umber, translucent, D.S.  PBr7, 77492

RCW36#2ring00 Naples Yellow Light, opaque
RCW36#2ring0 Hansa Yellow Medium, D.S.  translucent,  5gx, PR3, 11710
RCW36#2ring0 Cadmium Yellow Medium, D.S.  opaque, PY35, 77205
RCW36#2ring3 French Ocher R/s,  D.S. opaque, PY43, 77491
RCW36#2ring4 Yellow Oxide/Ocher Br/s,  D.S. opaque, PY43, 77491
RCW36#2ring10 Burnt Umber, translucent, PBr7, 77492

RCW36#3ring-00 Naples Yellow Deep, opaque
RCW36#3ring0 New Gamboge, D.S. mass-tone, Nickel Dioxine Yellow, transparent, PY150, CI# 48545, Vat Yellow 20, similar to PY153, dual-toned from a mass-tone of yellow-orange to a bright yellow tint, makes great reds and greens. Similar to Indian Yellow Original.
RCW36#3ring0 Cadmium Yellow Deep, opaque, D.S. 77202
RCW36#3ring3 Raw Sienna, D.S. translucent, PBr7, 77492
RCW36#3ring4 Goethite, Deep Yellow Ocher R/s hue, D.S. opaque, granular
RCW36#3ring4 Italian Deep Yellow Ocher R/s hue, D.S. opaque
RCW36#3ring6 Quinacridone Deep Gold, D.S. mass-tone, Quinacridone Gold, transparent O/s burnt sienna, PO48, PO49, 73900/73920, mixes with Thalo Green to mix Sap Green.
RCW36#3ring7 Transparent Brown Oxide, D.S. translucent, PR101, CI# 77491
RCW36#3ring10 Burnt Umber, D.S. translucent, PBr7, 77492

RCW36#4.0.1 Permanent Yellow Deep, D.S. transparent orange, Isoindolinone Yellow R, PY110, CI# 56280
RCW36#4.0.3 Permanent Orange, D.S. Benizimidazolone Orange, PO62, 11775, translucent.
RCW36#4.0.5 Cadmium Orange, D.S. PO20, CI# 77202, opaque.
RCW36#4.6 Burnt Sienna D.S. translucent
RCW36#4.10 Burnt Umber, D.S. translucent, PBr7, 77492

RCW36#5ring7 Italian Burnt Sienna, D.S. translucent, PBr7, 77492
RCW36#ring10 Burnt Umber, D.S. translucent, PBr7, 77492

RCW36#6ring0 Organic Vermilion, D.S. Chinese Vermilion, translucent, PR188, Napthol Red AS, 12467
RCW36#6ring10 Burnt Umber, D.S. translucent, PBr7, 77492

RCW36#7.0.1 Cadmium Red Light/Medium, D.S. opaque warm red, PR108, 77202
RCW36#7.0.9 Cadmium Red Scarlet, D.S. opaque, PR108
RCW36#7ring5 Italian Venetian Red, D.S. opaque, PR101, CI# 77491
RCW36#7ring6 Transparent Red Oxide, D.S. translucent, PR101, CI# 77491
RCW36#7ring9 Permanent Brown, D.S. Benizimidazolone Brown, transparent, PBr25, 12510,
RCW36#7ring10 Burnt Umber, D.S. translucent, PBr7, 77492

RCW36#12 ring0 Quinacridone Rose D.S., Rembrandt Rose, Translucent, tint, PV19, 73900

RCW36#13ring0 Quinacridone Magenta, D.S. top-tone, Primary Transparent Warm Magenta is opposite Secondary Pathalo Green B/s. PR122
RCW36#13ring6 Quinacridone Magenta, D.S. mass-tone, Primary Transparent Warm Magenta is opposite Secondary Pathalo Green B/s. PR122

RCW36#14ring0 Cobalt Violet, D.S. Primary Opaque Cool Magenta, opaque top-tone tint mass-tone only. PV49, 77362 or PV14, 77360

RCW36#16ring0 Carbazole Violet, translucent, Dioxazine Purple, top-tone, PV23 (Rs), 5131

RCW36#18ring0, Ultramarine Violet, top-tone, translucent, weak tinting strength PV15, 77007

RCW36#19ring0 French Ultramarine Blue, translucent, PB29, 77007
RCW36#19ring2 Ultramarine Blue Light translucent, PB29, CI# 77007
RCW36#19ring3 Ultramarine Blue Deep translucent, PB29, CI# 77007

RCW36#22ring0 Cobalt Blue, D.S. opaque, PB28, CI# 77346
RCW36#22ring0 Azurite, D.S. transparent, top-tone, PB28, CI# 77346
RCW36#22ring6 Azurite, D.S. transparent, mass-tone, PB28, CI# 77346

RCW36#25ring0, Phthalocyanine Blue, top-tone, transparent, G/s is Cyan and R/s is toward magenta, PB15.3, CI# 74160, Cyan Primary
RCW36#25ring6, Phthalocyanine Blue, mass-tone, transparent.

RCW36#27ring0, PhthaloTurquiose top-tone, Pathalo Blue plus Pathalo Green, D.S. transparent, PB15 / PG36. 74160 / 74265
RCW36#27ring6, PhthaloTurquiose mass-tone, Pathalo Blue plus Pathalo Green, D.S. transparent, PB15 / PG36. 74160 / 74265

RCW36#29ring3, Opaque Green Light

RCW36#31.0.1, Thalo Green (Y/s), Phthalocyanine Green, D.S. top-tone, transparent, PG7, CI# 74260, Secondary Color
RCW36#31.0.9, Thalo Green (B/s), Phthalocyanine Green

RCW36#33.0, Permanent Green Light, D.S. Arylide Yellow 10g, PY3, CI#11710 and Phthalocyanine Green, PG7, 74260
RCW36#33.6, Hooker's Green, D.S. translucent, Phthalocyanine Green, PG36. Arylide Yellow 10g, PY3. Quin. Deep Gold, PO49

RCW36#34ring6, Chromium Green oxide, D.S. opaque, PG17, 77288

RCW36#35ring0, Lime Green, Arylide Yellow PY97 FGL, Phthalocyanine Green, PG7, Y/s top-tone, translucent
RCW36#35ring0, Permanent Green Light, Martin F. Weber, Binney & Smith, Phthalocyanine Green, PG7 and Cadmium Yellow Light, PY35,  opaque

RCW36#36ring0, Phthalo Yellow Green, D.S. Arylide Yellow 1og PY3 and Phthalo Green PG36
RCW36#36ring0, Brilliant Yellow Green, mass-tone, translucent and opaque
RCW36#36ring3, Rich Green Gold, D.S. translucent, mass-tone, Nickel Chelated Azo, PG10, CI# 12775, pale yellow G/s under-tone
RCW36#36ring7, Green Gold, D.S. translucent, mass-tone, Azomethine Metal Complex Yellow 5g, PY129, 48042, dual-tone green-brown to yellow, transparent
RCW36#36ring10 Raw Umber, D.S. mass-tone, translucent


Percentages of Mixed Pigments, Real Color Wheel

Description/Example: Equal amounts of transparent yellow and transparent magenta pigment make a red pigment, that's the same quanty of pigment, 100% of each, twice.

Down the colorwheel

Yellow pigment to dark brown pigment.
RCW1.5=50%Yellow+100%Brown (brown has 33% yellow already)
Add ultramarine blue to reach black.

Around the colorwheel

Pigment Mixing Percentages. Use the same percentages for Magenta to Cyan and Cyan to Yellow.

Transparent Yellow to Transparent Magenta, full chroma.
RCW4.0=100%Yellow+50%Magenta Orange
RCW7.0=100%Yellow+100%Magenta Red
RCW10.0=50%Yellow+100%Magenta Scarlet
RCW13.0=0%Yellow+100%magenta Magenta

Transparent Magenta to Transparent Cyan, full chroma.
RCW15.0=100%Magenta+32%Cyan = Violet
RCW16.0=100%Magenta+50%Cyan = Purple
RCW19.0=100%Magenta+100%Cyan = Ultramarine Blue
RCW22.0=50%Magenta+100%Cyan = Cobalt Blue

Transparent Yellow to Transparent Cyan, full chroma.
RCW31.0=100%Yellow+100%Cyan = Green
RCW27.0=32%Yellow+100%Cyan = Turquiose

Painting opaquely, yellow darkens to gold ocher then to deep brown. All three of these opaque pigments are needed on the artists palette. One transparent yellow will do it if you are also using transparent magenta and cyan to paint full color paintings.

Yellow and orange arcs become dark by adding brown, the same dark brown that matches the red arc.

Magenta will get dark by adding it's opposite color or the other two triads, which do combined to make the complement opposition secondary color, green.

Magenta arcs change to cyan by adding cyan in 22% increments. Equal amounts of transparent magenta and cyan, arc #19, having 100% of each color, make an ultramarine blue transparent hue. 66% less magenta, three arcs over plus the 100% cyan make a transparent cobalt blue hue.

The cyan arc darkens first to cobalt blue, than ultramarine blue before becoming neutral. From that ultramarine hue darker, add the same burnt umber that gets the ultramarine blue arc darker. So #19 thrrough #25 get dark to the same color before becoming dark neutral. Just like #1 through #7 get dark to the same color.

Three pigment watercolor palette.
1. Gamboge, PY153, Nickel Dioxine Yellow
(or) Indian Yellow, PY108, Anthrapyrimidine Yellow
2. Quinacridone Magenta, PR122
3. Pathalo Cyan, PB15.3 Grumbacher just calls it PB15

5 pigment watercolor palette.
D.S. Gamboge, PY153 Nickel Dioxine Yellow (or) Indian Yellow PY108, Anthrapyrimidine Yellow
Magenta, PR122
Ultramarine Blue, PB29
Cyan, PB15:1
Green PG7

12 pigment watercolor palette.
D.S. Gamboge, PY153 Nickel Dioxine Yellow (or) Indian Yellow PY108 Anthrapyrimidine Yellow
Cad Yellow Light, PY35
Burnt Sienna natural,  PBr7
Venetian Red Oxide, PR101
Quinacridone Magenta, PR122
Dioxazine Purple, PV23 R/s
Ultramarine Blue, PB29
Cobalt Blue, PB28
Pathalo Cyan, PB15:3
Turquoise, PB15 / PG36
Green, PG7
Yellow Green

Grumbacher is another company with excellent color chemists they were first to use PB15 as the pure cyan color.

Other major water colors.

- Permanent Green Light, Pathalocyanine Green, PG7 and Cadmium Yellow Light, PY35. Martin F. Weber, Permanent Green Light
- Anthraquinone Vat, Graphtol Violet CI-4RL, PY45, a transparent deep magenta, will mix an ultramarine blue with cyan. Lefranc & Bourgeois, Egypt Violet.

I am thankful for the attention given to transparent Indian Yellow hue in the past few years.

RGB and CMYK Real Color Wheels 2011

...  ...
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Nov 21st, 2003 at 2:26am

Admin   Offline
YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
The Original RCW painting, 12-19-95, had 4 tints to white on 12 colors with 8 shades to dark neutral. All mixed with their opposite color.
Painting #816, acrylic, 15x22 on 1/8 mahogany plywood covered with polyester woven cloth.

Here is the RCW color wheel table of RGB numbers. http://www.realcolorwheel.com/rcwchart.htm

Here is the Pigment Color Chip Placement Chart for the RCW.

Liquitex had the first correct magenta pigment back in '95 and called it Acra Violet, PR122.
That is why I used his brand to add all the available colors to the RCW color wheel.
They are at the cutting edge of color with Grumbacher and D.S..

The Real Color Wheel's are either 36, 12, 6 or 3 colors.

Concentric Ring Numbers of the 36arc10degree RCW.

00. Outer rings, lighter pigment or tint hue of this color.
0. 100% full chroma for opaque pigments, 50% top-tone tint for transparent pigments.
1. 10 shades to dark.
6. Mass-Color of transparent pigments.
10. 10% intensity of this color.

The dots on the colorwheel locate different pigments on different concentric rings.

The Pigment Color Section description for Cadmium Yellow Lemon Opaque is, RCW36#1ring1range5, or just RCW#1.1.5
#1 is the Pure Yellow section. It has five pigments located in it called the "Warm to Cool Value" from 1 to 9.

Rings RCW#1.00, .0, .2, .3, .4, .6 and .10 have pigments in them.

Brown has the darkest intensity of Yellow. Mix this low intensity brown with it's opposite color Ultramarine blue for a neutral dark.


Element Color = Crystal or Oxide Color = Chemical Color = Pigment Color
They all become dark on the same color path.

While painting, darks should be made to match nature by mixing in the opposite complementary color and not by adding black pigments which won't work.

This RCW 36 colorwheel has the brand pigment names and the more important generic Chemical Class names.
It also includes the pigment chemical name in these Chemical Classes, the Color Index Name, and the Color Index Number.
Just what you need to make the most reliable choice among brands in all media.

Each brand name pigment is a chosen color made from one or more Chemical Classes in combination.
Each Chemical Classes color travels on a graduated path changing color and Pigment Color/Color Index number as it moves. The PC number also has a graduated path of different related colors.

The photo filter name "Blue-Violet" is between Cyan and Magenta and is Ultramarine Blue in color. Blue-Violet is a photo industrial color term for the blue filter used to make the yellow printing plate. Red, Green and Blue are primary colors on the Light color wheel only.

Red and Blue Pigment Colors are secondary colors and can be made mixing the pigment primary colors of transparent Yellow and Cyan or Cyan and Magenta. Red is not the opposite of Green, they are both secondary colors capable of being mixed from primary colors.

The same brown to yellow color intensity scale of yellow is found in both element crystal compounds and class chemical compounds. The elements lead and iron have oxides with similar ranges of color from yellow to brown and red to brown in both the synthetic chemicals and natural oxides, just like their crystal counterpart. Pigment color oppositions match the color elements crystal oppositions, which match the chemical class colors with their paths of darker color intensities.

Example.. From the element Copper we get Copper Phthalocyanine as a Chemical Class with a path from green PG7 to cyan PB15.

To paint a sky you need the purest cyan near the horizon line and by adding magenta you get the sky's zenith color of ultramarine blue.

Example.. The same brown to yellow color intensity scale of yellow is found in element oxides, crystal compounds, Chemical Class compounds and vegetable colors.
The elements lead and iron have oxides with similar ranges of color paths from yellow to brown and red to brown in the synthetic chemicals, natural oxides and vegetable colors, just like their crystal counterpart.

For we pigment artists, pigment color oppositions should match the element's crystal opposition.
The Chemical Class colors tend to move in a lateral path, crystal color paths also move from light to dark, both are represented on the RCW.

Crystal color paths to darker color intensities move right across black to the opposing color. The 36 colors on the RCW color wheel and their tints match light's RGB color wheel, but not the RGB subtractive path to dark.

The Pigment Color numbers mark that color's position on that Chemical Class path. Combinations of and Chemical Colors make new brand colors. Brand color names are arbitrary, Pigment Color numbers and Color Index numbers are not, but they don't give the pigment's attributes. They would be from transparent to translucent, mono-toned or dual-toned and are never granular.

This RCW color wheel, based on color element crystals, works in pigment, dye and stage lighting.

Yellow and red both darken to brown in crystals, natural pigments and chemical class pigments.

Yellow to Brown
Crystal compounds.
The Chrysoberle crystal with the element Beryllium is the standard yellow centering to brown transparent crystal.
The Citroen Quartz crystal with the element iron includes from yellow to orange to brown.
The Chalcopyrite crystal with iron will show colors from, yellow, orange, tan, red and brown.
Nickel will show a redder or greener transparent brown, great as Indian yellow pigment.

Yellow to Brown Chemical compound class pigments,
Diarylide Yellow makes these colors.
Diarylide Yellow AAA,
Diarylide Orange, PO34  
Diarylide Red, PR166, Disazo Scarlet
Diarylide Brown  PY12 brown.

Yellow to Brown Chemical compound class pigments,
Monoazo-Aceoacety Benzimidazolone makes this scale of intensity of yellow colors.
Benzimidazolone makes these colors from yellow to brown only, like the Chrysoberle crystal and calcimined lead oxides.
Benzimidazolone Yellow H3g, PY154 CI# 11781, yellow to yellow-orange.
Benzimidazolone Yellow PY151. Naples Yellow Hue
Benzimidazolone Orange, PO62, 11775. D.S = Permanent Orange.
Benzimidazolone Orange H5g, PO62. Schmincke = Chrome Orange
Benzimidazolone Orange H5g, PO62, Lukas W/C = Helio Genuine Orange.
Benzimidazolone Orange HL, PO36, 11780.
Benzimidazolone Red, Deep Scarlet, PR175, 12513.
Benzimidazolone Carmine, Hf3c, PR176, 12515.
Benzimidazolone Brown, Permanent Brown, PBr25, 12510.
Benzimidazolone Maroon, Napthamide Maroon, PR171, 12512
Benzimidazolone Bordeaux PV32, 12517

Nickel Dioxine complex is responsible for the best duel-toned transparent yellows, PY153 and P10. Tartrazine PY100 is water-based permanent.

Yellow to Brown Oxide Pigments,  Opaque and Translucent
- Mars chemical compound colors colors are synthetic iron oxides and follow the same color color intensity scale getting darker as iron oxides. Both are matched in the Real Color Wheel.
- Old Holland, Iron Oxides, Gold Ocher Light orange side, opaque. Brown Ocher Pale red side. Brown Ocher darker yellow side. Red Ocher dark red side translucent. Brown Ocher Deep is close to Iron Oxide Burnt Umber, translucent.
- Talens, Burnt Umber translucent, PR101, Iron Oxide Brown natural.
- Blockx, Iron Oxide, Venetian Red natural opaque PR101
- Blocks, Iron Oxide, Italian Earth natural translucent high silica content.
- Schmincke, Grumbacher Iron Oxide Raw Sienna, PBr7, translucent high silica content.
- Old Holland, Iron oxide natural colors, Gold Ocher PY43, Brown Ocher Pale,
- Lefranc & Bourgeous, Vandyke Brown, PBr8 Manganese Brown.

Yellow to Orange Chemical Class compound pigments,
Isoindolinone Yellow, PY10, transparent
TC Isoindolinine Orange, PO61, Transparent
Tartrazine Yellow to orange, PY100, Transparent

Yellow to Magenta Chemical class for magenta to red to orange to Yellow pigments,
Quinacridone Magenta Y form, RCW36#12ring5mass-tone, PR122, 73915,  the main and most light fast magenta used as the Thalo Green opposition.
Quinacridone Red, RCW36#10ring1, PR192, Red translucent with magenta under-tone.
Quinacridon Rose, RCW#12, PV19, Transparent
Quinacridone Gold, RCW36#3.5, mass-tone, Yellow Oxide O/s hue in mass-tone, translucent.

Xanthene PTMA class, makes magenta hue Rhodamine Yellow shade, PR82, RCW36#13ring1, True Magenta print out color with out a deep mass-tone. Maimeri calls it Garanium Lake,  I hear it's not permanent.
Graphtol Violet CI4rl, RCW36#12ring10,  PV46, the lowest intensity magenta is close enough to primary ring 13 to make an excellent dark neutral opposition when mixed with Thalo Green.

ALIZARIN to Brown Chemical Class compound pigments,
Anthraqinone A Vat Pigment makes these colors.
Alizarin Crimson 1.2 Dinydroxy Anthraqinone, transparent
Pyanthrone, Red Oxide hue, translucent
Perylene Red BL, Red, transparent
Perlene Red, Red-orange. translucent
Pyantrone Red, Red-Burnt Sienna hue

Cyan darkens to ultramarine blue hue in these transparent crystals and class chemicals... and the sky above us.

Crystal compounds
Cyan to blue in color depth.
AZURITE crystal, Cu3[CO3]2[0H]2. COPPER, Standard Azure/Cobalt color, RCW36#22ring1, [MCCC]. Includes Cyan, Azure (cobalt blue) and ultramarine blue hue, transparent, translucent and opaque, shows blue in mass.
CALCITE crystals, CaCO3, trigonal crystals, also aggregate and mass, colorless transparent to translucent.  
CALCITE crystals w/COPPER, "Iceland Spar crystal", Cyan, allochromatic, polarizing filter. In this crystal light cyan turns into dark ultramarine blue, like in the the Real Color Wheel.

BERYL crystal, Be3Al2[Si03]6, H7.5,SG-2.7, hexagonal crystal system.  The BERYLLIUM element in the Beryl crystal shows yellow to cyan to blue.
BERYL crystal with IRON element shows green, yellow-green, yellow, orange, red, scarlet, magenta, purple, blue, azure, cyan and turquoise. The iron element at it's best will display the whole rainbow spectrum in Beryl.
EUCLASE crystal, BeASi04[0H], H6.7, SG-3, monoclinic system. BERYLLIUM, standard color cyan, RCW36#25ring5mass-tone, [CCCC], yellow to cyan, transparent.
CALCITE crystals w/COBALT, "Sphaeroc Cobaltite crystal", standard Magenta Cool, RCW36#13ring5mass-tone, [MMMM], allochromatic.

Chemical class compound pigments,
Cyan to blue.
The Copper Phthalocyanine chemical class.
PB15:1 is a primary pigment  color. PB15:2 and PB15:3 are not as pure and get bluer. This color range is as the cyan Iceland Spar crystal, it shows from cyan to ultramarine blue and less useful a as cyan pigment color. The pigment's mass-tone color looks darker then ultramarine blue hue. Perhaps an even higher Color Index number will show a transparent blue, as is possible in the Azurite crystal.
The chemical class of Ultramarine blue is a complex silicate of sodium and aluminum with sulphur, it makes only slight variations this blue hue.
Ultramarine Blue PB29, translucent and Phthalocyanine Blue PB15 transparent (Cyan) combined will tint from blue to cyan. Holbein, calls it Cobalt Blue Tint.

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