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Jean-Claude Water Color (Read 3729 times)
Reply #3 - Apr 23rd, 2006 at 1:33am

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YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Jean-Claude told me how to translate with Google, here it is.
Congradulations Jean-claude, Europe thinks your great also!!
Water colorists, you must visit his web pages.


Currently, I research a gallery or expose and this mail to goal to do you to know my work. 

My characteristic is of always to work on the motive and of never to touch up my watercolor in workshop.  My requirement level in comparison with my work is very important since I not then to propose to the sale that 30 good watercolors per year. 

I will be invited it honor of the Parlor:  The Springs of the watercolor that will have will hold itself of May 25 to June 6 2006 to the Cultural Center of Libramont,
Avenue of Houffalize, 62 in BELGIUM

"The tree master" watercolor 0,55x0,40 Here the an of my watercolors done the last year. 

Currently, I am invited it honor of the 44ME SPRINGS PARLOR of NEVERS that is anxious itself the Ducal Palace until April 30. 

From April 28 reviewed it "PRACTICES ARTS" edits a made to order number on the "50 European masters of the watercolor" and not only, I am part of this selection but this is the an of my watercolors that will figure on the first cover page. 

Here the address of my site.  Http://aquarelle.chaillou.free.fr I am at your disposal to furnish you all supplementary pieces of information; CV,
etc. ... 

Well cordially John claude Chaillou

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Reply #2 - Apr 23rd, 2006 at 12:34am

Admin   Offline
YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
> Hello Don Jusko
> Thank you for your eulogistic appreciation Which do I have to make on your site to register me?  Is this you who do it? 

I did it already.

> Thank you to say to me I do not speak quite English and I is useful itself of the Google translator who is not very famous, but it is better than anything.
> Well cordially
> Jean-Claude
Tell me how to use Google to translate..
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Reply #1 - Apr 23rd, 2006 at 12:12am

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YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
In my opinion Jean-Claude is one of the best in the world.
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Apr 23rd, 2006 at 12:01am

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YaBB Administrator
Color is Everything!
Makawao,  Maui, USA, HI

Posts: 1196
Hello Jean-Claude,
I don't know what you are saying but your work is great! Welcome to this forum.
Don Jusko



Actuellement, je recherche une galerie ou exposer et ce courrier à pour but de vous faire connaître mon travail.

Ma particularité est de toujours travailler sur le motif et de ne jamais retoucher mon aquarelle en atelier. Mon niveau d'exigence par rapport à mon œuvre est très important puisque je ne puis proposer à la vente que 30 bonnes aquarelles par an.

Je vais être l'invité d'honneur du Salon : Les Printemps de l'Aquarelle
qui aura se tiendra du 25 mai au 6 Juin 2006 au Centre Culturel de Libramont, Avenue de Houffalize,62 en BELGIQUE
Visitez la page : http://www.lacouleuretleau.be/pages/0.html

"L'arbre maître" aquarelle 0,55x0,40
Voici l'une de mes aquarelles faite l'an dernier.

Actuellement, je suis l’invité d’honneur du 44me SALON DE PRINTEMPS de NEVERS qui se tient au Palais Ducal jusqu'au 30 Avril.

À partir du 28 Avril la revue "PRATIQUE DES ARTS" édite un numéro hors série sur les "50 maîtres européens de l'aquarelle" et non seulement, je fais parti de cette sélection mais c'est l'une de mes aquarelles qui figurera sur la première page de couverture.

Voici l'adresse de mon site.
Je suis à votre disposition pour vous fournir tous renseignements complémentaires ; CV, etc....

Bien cordialement
Jean-Claude Chaillou
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