Painting your own portrait on Location in acrylics
Charcoal on acrylic gesso, on polyester fabric, on board. #981, 11-1-11

Sealed with water based polyurethane.

 I painted over the charcoal with mixtures of Red Oxide, Ultramarine Blue and White.

This painting took 4 hours.

This is painting wet into wet and into drying acrylics, impasto technique.
I only used two colors for the face. The cool neutral set of Ultramarine Blue and Red Oxide.
Back in the 1200's when they started painting again after the wars. No one was able to afford the luxury of the color ultamarine blue, instead artists used a translucent blue green earth oxide and opaque red earth oxide to under paint with.

Burnt Sienna warmed my picture where necessary as a glaze. That's it, no Naples Yellow this time.

I did another mirror self portraid in 2011, this one took longer and is in oil paint.

Self oil FinSign

Life painting

NEXT, Kiana and Breea Portraits, Wax and Mastic Grisaille, kianabreeaportrait.htm
PREVIOUS, Human Proportions, human.htm
EXTRA, My Portraits, myportraits.htm

edu., art: Paint anything in front of you with accurate colors. Use a new, different, color wheel and palette that matches the light and shadows with pigments.

Order this complete color course on DVD, $35.00.
Order only a 5"x5" Laminated Real Color Wheel $10.00