Painting on Location

Hana Dirt Road
Maui, Hawaii

36x48 Acrylic on Panel, #872, 7-18-02

This painting took a week to paint on location. Hana, Maui, Hawaii.  The trees are called Tropical Almonds. I was painting with my Hana artist friend, Tom Booth.  'Incoming' he would say. Those almond nuts were twice as large as walnuts, and solid.   They hit the ground with a large thump that you knew didn't want to be on your head. When they hit my umbrella they startled me out of concentration.  I left my beloved white area on the leaves at the bottom right. This painting has a color base of magenta and green complements. Expect perfection, nature is perfect.

NEXT PAINTING, Kihei, Chuck's Fence
PREVIOUS PAINTING, Cousin Vic's '57 Corvette

All About Color Course  | Sitetree of all paintings  | gallery with tips 1  | 100th painting  | 1st grade children learning color

Order a 5"x5" Laminated Real Color Wheel $10.00. No black pigment.