palette colors
Oil Paintings
About the Artist
Maui Fine Art Gallery
Donald A. Jusko, Maui Artist
Painting on Location, en plein air
100.htm, Self Portrait, 1997, Oil on Linen Panel, 15x22
Done in Tom Booth's studio in Nahiku. Soon I'll be heading back to Lahaina and Tom will be headed for the mainland. Emily, his daughter, lives in the upper house made by Christiano for Tom, he's a friend back in Germany now.
It's 7-11-16, I think Tom will be home around Christmas, I painted Number 1000 at his place in 10-2-14, a wooded fruit board with little pineapple's and cherry guava's on it. I haven't painted a lot since.
I finished
on 6-2-16, but that's not painting a lot.
Use a new, different, color wheel and palette that matches the light and pigment color wheels.