This area map stopped working,
it will still take you to the first distance around you
and explain the distances and pigments
used in all concentric rings.

The Sky

 You draw the outline of any object in one of
 these 10 different ring areas to reach
 from 10 yards to 200 miles out.
 This map explains the color
 characteristics in each ring. All edges of a
 ball would be on the same ring, the
 same distance away from you.

Sky 1. Mix two
transparent pigments, Thalo Blue and Dioxine Purple will mix to Ult.Blue transparent.Sky 2. In nature, it's lightest next to the dark and darkest next to the light.  The sky would get lighter, the mountain would get darker.Ring 7. Five to ten miles away.Ring 6. Two to five miles away, switch opposition palettes from normal to a split complementary. Purple and Green instead of Magenta and
Green.Ring 6. Green and Magenta mix to the blue of distance and makes cool shadows.Ring 5. One half mile away. As the crow flies.Ring 5.  One half mile away.   As the crow flies.Ring5. Each ring can have many objects in it, all
with the same properties.Ring 4. 100 to 500 yds. out.  Full tinted palette, from 3 to 18 colors.Ring 4, know your palette, read the
course about color.Ring3. Twenty five to fifty yds. outRing3. Use the outline you draw as part of the background. Twenty five to fifty yards out.Ring 2. From 10 to 25 yards.out. All of these colors are almost the same value, as in every
ring.Ring 2. from 10 to 25 yds. out.Ring 2. From 10 to 25 yds. out in front of you, and to the
sides.Ring 1. From you to 10 yds. out, in a circle around you. Click for the message.

Here are the aerial perspective corrected colors.
The Aerial Palette for 10 Concentric Rings.

Aerial Palette

Click here for the full color wheel in .png format.

Here is the Real Color Wheel's main page.

NEXT, 1st Concentric ring of distance
PREVIOUS, Making a Sitting Easel

Click here for a page to color in with this colorwheel on your computer.

The Maui Coloring Book, 32 coloring pages.

All About Color RCW Ebook pdf  | Wikihow/How to Use the Real Color Wheel   | CYMK Hexadecimal Codes  | Site Tree/Index

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