Painting on Location
by Donald A. Jusko

Kihei, Maui
Artists 3 Color Pro Workshop

with Don Jusko

Kihei, Maui, Hawaii

In a building behind a church we gathered to paint. We were painting with pigments not available in tube form so we made our own watercolors using the dry pigments from 3 different countries, France had the best magenta color by Sennlieair, PR122. Italy has the best Transparent Indian Yellow, PY153 and Germany has the best cyan, PB15.3. Honey, gum arabic and pigment, 1:1:2.

The subjects would include a good range of colors, an apple, a lime and a banana with brown spots plus a blue plate or cloth for the fruit to rest on. It was a 3 hour class.

Barbara Steinberg-Orlowski is president of this group, the Maui Watercolorists Association. She's sitting in the left foreground.

Kihei, Maui
Kihei, Maui

Elizabeth Current started with a wet paper and let the sheen disappear before drawing with the yellow wash. Here she is starting with the magenta wash on the red apple.

Herbert Fuller
That's a nice netural gray in the background but a dirty green lime.

Jane Hennessy

Denise Copenhaven and Carol Pheneuf
Really good color Denise, and I like the brave cropping.
The picture is a little out of focus :(

Jean Keating
Jonathan Orlowski and Jean Keating

Jim Redden painted two paintings. Speed comes with painting a lot, that's Jim's way, every day.

Jim Redden

Johathan's painting is larger then the rest of the class, 11x15. He has an excellent start building up his colors.
Mickey Haller was using a hot pressed paper.

MaryAnn Cocola
Good secondary red and green.

Pat Fisher
Two colors finished.

Pat Fisher taught art for 20 years.
Carol Phaneuuf

SuAnn Taylor, our most senior member, 93.
Don Jusko. I only had 45 minutes to do this one. 7.5x11

Babara Steinberg
Nice brown on the banana Barbara.

NEXT PAINTING, Ancient Tea Ceremony, acrylic, tea.htm
PREVIOUS PAINTING, Night Painting, Christmas, Lahaina Banyan Tree, lahainatreenite.htm

PREVIOUS WORKSHOP, Kihei workshop, painting with primary colors 2004, kiheiworkshop1.htm

AllAboutColor-Ebook.pdf = Course  | Paintings = Sitetree/Index  | Wikihow/How to Use the Real Color Wheel   | CYMK Hexadecimal Codes

5"x5" Laminated Real Color Wheel $10.00.