Botanical Name: Lavender plant goes by the scientific name, Lavendula spp.
Starting with the verity in our garden here in Makawao.
4:35 7-4-8 Photo of only fresh blue flowering lavender. I put them into cleaned and refined sun dried flax oil. In the beginning they all are floating. 5:06, I'm trying to push them down, most of them stay on top. 5;34 That didn't work, I turned the jar upside down. 12:40 It might be clearing but I can't tell in this artificial light. 7-5-8, 8:20 AM
![]() Day two ![]() 3:50
![]() Describing this Lavendula plant, aroma 4-5, long square stem 12-15", sparse flowering green heads one in the center of the stem, round tipped leaves, unlike any other lavender plant there is a small leaf with each pod, much like the Sweet only with a full lavender hue.
![]() Today is 7/7/08. It is now 11:22am
I'm going up to the lavender farm. Strong aroma=5, Weak aroma=1
My Garden walk-way lavender is Grosso, similar leaves, square stems and one bud length away from the head.
Varieties from the Kula Lavender Farm. This year start month was June. Here are the lavender flowers I gathered,
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