Real Color Wheel

Old Prison, Lahaina

Maui, 59.htm, 11x15 Acrylic on panel

This is where they kept the rowdy prisoners back in the whaling days of Lahaina when 100 ships might be moored off shore. That's a Royal Palm tree in the front. Naturally the drawing took at least a day while the painting took two days. The straight lines were painted by laying the rigger brush along side a straight edge. I painted this picture "Van Gogh in the wind" style, that is, laying it on the ground without an easel. I didn't have a chair back then either, (1979), so I was sitting on the ground.

#59, Lahaina Old Prison, Maui, Acrylic

Next Painting with Tips, 60.htm, Lahaina Palm 505 Front Street
Previous Painting with Tips, 58.htm, Pioneer Inn, Captain Statue, Lahaina

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