I'm painting a few night scenes for a article in Artist's magazine. Last night there was a full moon, and rain, and clear and rain. This painting took no more time then 15 minutes. Painting from my studio VW van. Starting with water colors, this is my night palette. It's mostly opaque colors, Bocour is best for that, using original elements. Quin Magenta PV202, D.S., Cooler and Darker than PR122, for night painting.
Alizarin crimson, home made. Burnt sienna, Grum. Finest.
![]() ![]() This second painting on the same paper was done during the day, it is a change from opaque colors to the three primary transparent primary colors. PY153, PR122 and PB15.3. Both are at the Kaupo Store. This is before my friend Piero bought the land next door. ![]() This is what the transparent colors are capable of. ![]() The third painting of this set is a small Hawaiian church in Lahaina called Harvest Chapel. It was painted Christmas Eve 2004 with the three primary colors on Waterford #300 C/P paper, maybe my favorite paper. I didn't start on Waterford paper, I started on Arches #140 block. Never.. will I ever paint on a block paper again. 140 pound paper just wrinkles when it's wet, even in a block. These were my first two colors down, and last two. Look at the wrinkles on this paper. Ridiculous.. I stopped and tossed it. It would be a waste of time to continue. ![]() This second photo is the second color down, the same yellow as the first color, just deeper. I had planned to scratch in the phone wires. You can scratch the overlaying color if the bottom color is dry. But I didn't, I painted around the wires instead. If it had been a hot pressed paper I would have scratched them in. The third color was magenta and then cyan. That's the way I start three color paintings. ![]() It's late in the painting. The tree, the road, the see through van window, the dark sky and the street light need work. ![]() It's finished, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. In the morning I'll box it up for the Post Office. I don't touch the night paintings in the daytime on or off location. ![]()
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These links are to other 3 primary color paintings, the pigments are:
Dry Pigments;
Indian yellow PY153 from Zecchi,
Magenta PR122 from Sennelier,
Cyan PB15.3 from Senopia.
Food Coloring
The Easter Egg Coloring 6-pack.
Oil Paints,
Old Holland Indian Yellow Orange-side,
Daniel Smith Oil Quinacridone Magenta PR122,
Grumbacher Thalo Blue, cyan PB15.3
Water Colors,
Daniel Smith Quinacridone Magenta w/c PV202 is more to the cyan side.
Daniel Smith New Gamboge PY153 Nickel Dioxine Indian Yellow O/s pigment.
The cool Brown side PY150 Indian is hander. PY100 Tartrazine is very good in watercolor.
Grumbacher Thalo Crimson PV19 is more to the warm side.
I don't know why they all don't use the most stable and magenta matching pigment PR122.
Grumbacher Thalo Blue PB15
Children painting with Food Coloring Colors First Grade learning the primary colors.
3 color examples Mixing the three transparent primary colors.
Lime Water Media 75 sq. foot Buon Fresco in 3 colors.
Lime Water Medium Buon Fresco #1 in 3 colors.
Lime Water Medium Buon Fresco #2 in 3 colors.
Maroger Medium Hana Paintings with Maroger's Medium in 3 primary colors.
Maroger Medium The Kaupo Hearts, Black Oil painting in 3 primary colors.
Egg Tempera Medium Still Life in 3 primary colors.
Water Color Painting with 3 primary colors.
Copal Medium with the RCW 3 Color Wheel
In 2012 and 2013 I did many more w/c 3 color paintings, mostly with PY100 Tartrazine yellow.
NEXT PAINTING, Egg Tempera Painting
PREVIOUS PAINTING, Painting with Maroger Black Oil Medium