Prismacolor (PC) 72 color set includes: 48 chroma colors, 11 tints, 13 non-color. Here they are colored on the 36 Real Color Wheel. 4-5-7, plus one extra added pencil/color, Prismacolor's PC919 Non-Photo Blue as a tint of Cyan. Print copies of this blank color wheel for your testing when making RCW complementary and split-complementary color schemes.
To get a printable 36 RCW Color Wheel blank 7" templet to print and color in, click this link:
Printable 36 Color Wheel, blank colorwheel
36RCW Colors: Primary= 36RCW#1 is Yellow, 36RCW#13 is Magenta, 36RCW#25 is Cyan. (Tip) Remove the Indigo Blue pencil PC901, and replace it with PC919 Non-photo Blue. This cyan color does not come with this 72 color set but it is very important. RCW's Three Set Numbering System:
Value: 10 shadow blocks down to neutral dark, 10 tint blocks up to white. The 3 Primary colors are equally separated by 120 degrees on a circle of 360 degrees. #1 is yellow, #13 is magenta and #25 is cyan. To color in the outer 10 blocks, blend each of these double diget colors evenly to white. Each 10 degree block of color starts as the pure mass-tone opaque tube color or a relative tint of the transparent color #1.0.
Cyan's transparent gradient colors are from the transparent mass-tone 36RCW#25.6 to the pure top-tone #25.0 to the lightest tint RCW#25.09. RCW#25.0 goes to the darkest shade RCW#25.9.
All colors on the exact other side of the color wheel are opposite and mix to a neutral dark. Yellow RCW#1 to Red RCW#7 all have a simular phenomenon. Colors from RCW#1 to RCW#7 all darken to red's RCW#7.10, dark just the same way as cyan RCW#25 darkens to blue's dark RCW#19.10. Seven opposite colors all darken to two major darks, brown and blue. Yes, Indian yellow does come in brown but it's not made into a pigment yet (11-16-12). The Japanese made a synthetic car paint that has the sun effects cyan to blue and yellow to brown but it's not available in a dry pigment. How to read this palette list.
C l i c k a b l e A r t i s t s R e a l C o l o r W h e e l : f i n d m a t c h i n g p i g m e n t s
match the color to a RCW.
I make watercolors with a transparent yellow from Spectra Colors Corp in New Jersey. This transparent yellow Azo pigment is called Tartrazine, PY100, and it didn't fade or turn brown after 6 months on my dashboard in the Lahaina sun. "Lahaina" means the Land of the Burning Sun. I tubed another batch on 11-16-12. Pencils and Pastels and crayons need pressure and lighter colors are not generally made with less pressure, it takes another pencil as pastels use another color. Magenta, PR:122 is Prismacolor's #995 called Mulberry. This is a full hue magenta that in watercolors would be thinned down to make pink. In pencil use #994 called Process Red as the lighter tint of magenta. Both make good darks with green (#909 Grass Green). Prismacolor 1003 Spanish Orange is a dual-toned pencil. Light rubbing with is will give a lighter hue of yellow. It shows up more with an alcohol wash. Prismacolor PC922 Poppy Red needs more red in it I think, cadmimum red light would be the natural pigment to use. Prismacolor's PC903, called True Blue, pencil#31 has too much magenta in it, it's closer to cobalt blue hue. Maybe there is a better match in a larger set but for now I'm moving it to Cobalt Blue's spot, RCW#22. Let me explain my thoughts. Cyan is a transparent color, someday it will be dual-toned with a dark ultramarine blue like yellow is with brown. When using the opaque pencil cyan, it darkens with ultramarine blue, like the sky. Comparing the darkest browns;
Prismacolor has 3 dark browns, a magenta side brown RCW#10.10.5, a green side brown RCW#33.10.5 and a yellow side brown RCW#1.8.1. Normally Raw umber is a yellow-green side brown. Burnt umber is normally a red side brown. Prismacolor's Dark Brown is really a lighter burnt umber, a handy color. Dick Blick has 2 dark browns, a red side and a yellow side. Those are the normal burnt umber and raw umber. Dick Blick calls them Bt Umber and Dk Brown.
Here is a link that opens a zip file of a tif 36 RCW with out the numbers. Printable 36 Color Wheel, blank colorwheel |
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Here is the 72 plus one Prismacolor pencil set, without any color blending. I shouldn't have used this one for my color blending because the paper was already compleatly filled in.
But I did.. ![]() |
All pencil colors opposite each other will blend dark neutral. With the Real Color Wheel any brand of colored pencils can be mounted. I didn't have an ult. blue RCW#19 dark enough to show only 10% of color so I added the opposite brown to darken it. RCW#22 and RCW#25 are done with their opposite colors also.
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Match your "any brand" of pencils to this chart and mount them on a Real Color Wheel. Create darker shadow colors by adding the opposite color, any time.![]() |
Below are Dick Blick's pencil colors (Thanks Jennie)
Geez, colors are really getting confused. Azure natural's most prominate color in it's range is a cobalt blue hue. It will make from cyan to ultramarine blue but the cyan part is rare. Dick Blick has a cyan hue called Azure, and an ultramarine hue called Cobalt blue Dark but they really have no cobalt blue hue at all. Their Cobalt Blue Dark hue is a ultramarine blue RGB#19 and their Coblat Blue is ultramarine blue red/side. B5 across the top and 4 down looks like cobalt blue on my monitor but that's an RGB problem, in real life it has more magenta in it and a tint of ultramarine blue. There is no true magenta hue in this set. 3down and 3 across is PV19, a red/side magenta. ![]() |
Dick Blick color list.
1-White, 1A-Light Yellow, 1B-Cream, 1C-Yellow, 1D-Dark Yellow, 1E-Canary Yellow, 1F-Dark Orange 2-Light Orange, 2A-Orange Yellow, 2B-Naples Yellow, 2C-Cad Orange, 2D-Orange, 2E-Vermillion, 2F-Carmine Red 3-Scarlet Red, 3A-Cherry Red, 3B-Carmine, 3C-Beige, 3D-Pink, 3ERed Violet, 3F-Light Violet 4-Bordeaux Red, 4A-Permanent Violet, 4B-Violet, 4C-Windsor Violet, 4D-Blue Violet, 4E-Delft Blue, 4F-Ice Blue 5-Sky blue, 5A-Azure Blue, 5B-Light Blue, 5C-Mountain Blue, 5D-Phthalo Blue, 5E-Indigo Blue, 5F-Cobalt Blue Dark 6-Dark Blue, 6A-Cobalt Blue, 6B-Permanent Blue, 6C-Prussian Blue, 6D-Pea Green, 6E-Bice Green, 6F-May Green 7-Light Green, 7A-Apple Green, 7B-Olive Green Light, 7C-Dark Olive Green, 7D-Dark Grass Green, 7E-Grass Green, 7F-Emerald Green 8-Sap Green, 8A-Dark Green, 8B-Blue Green, 8C-Gold, 8D-Gold Ocher, 8E-Dark Ocher, 8FBurnt Ocher 9-Indian Red, 9A-Light Brown, 9B-Terracotta, 9C-Brown, 9D-Raw Umber, 9E-Burnt umber, 9F-Dark Brown 10-Silver, 10A-Light Gray, 10B-Gray, 10C-Steel Gray, 10D-Medium Gray, 10E-Slate Gray, 10F-Cold Gray 11-Dark Gray, 11A-Black |
RCW#1.00.1 Light Chrome Yellow Light, Lead Chromate, PY-34
RCW#2.00, Naples Yellow, Titanium Dioxide, Rutile-Nickel-Tin-Titanium, Chromium-Antimony-Titanium Yellow PW6, PY53, PBr24, Opaque
RCW#3.00, Naples Yellow Deep, Lead Antimonate, PY41, Opaque
RCW#4.0.4, Benzimidazolone Orange, Benzimidazolone, PO62, Transparent
RCW#5.7, Italian burnt Sienna PBr7, Translucent
RCW#6, Chinese Vermilion, Mercury Sulfide, Translucent
RCW#7.0.5 Thioindagoid Red PR88, Opaque
RCW#8.0, Irgazine Red PR254, Opaque RCW#10.00, Light Portrait Pink, Naphthol Red AS-D, Titanium White, Diarylide Yellow, PR122, PW6, PY83, Opaque
RCW#12.00, Light Magenta, Naphthol AS, Quinacridone Violet, Titanium Dioxide, Zinc Oxide, PR188, PR122, PW6, Opaque
RCW#15.0, Manganese Violet PV23 R/s, Top-tone, Transparent
RCW#16.0, Dioxazine Purple, Carbazole Dioxazine, PV23, Top-tone, Transparent
RCW#18.0, Ultramarine Violet, Alumosilicate of Sodium, PV15, Top-tone, Transparent
RCW#19.00.1, King's Blue Deep, Tint, Zinc Oxide, Titanium Dioxide Rutile, Synthetic Ultramarine PB29, PW4, PW6, PB29, Opaque
RCW#22.0, Cobalt Blue PB28, Oxides of Cobalt and Aluminum, Opaque RCW#25.0, Cerulean Blue PB-36, Oxides of Cobalt and Chromium Opaque Phthalo Blue, Phthalo Blue, PB15.3-4, Opaque
RCW#27.0, Phthalo Turquoise PB15.3-4 + PG36, Pathalocyanine, Top-tone
RCW#28.3, Bright Aqua Green, Phthalocyanine Green, Phthalocyanine Blue, Titanium Dioxide, PG7, PB15, PW6, Opaque RCW#29.3, Opaque Green Light, Phthalocyanine Green, Monoazo Yellow, Cobalt-Titanium-Nickel-Zinc-Aluminum-Oxide RCW#31.0.1, Phthalo Green, Y/S, Brominated Chlorinated Phthalocyanine, PG36, Translucent
RCW#33.3, Permanent Green Light, PG-7, PY-3, Phthalo Green + Monoazo Yellow, Opaque
RCW#34.6, Chrome Oxide Green, PG-17, Chrome Oxide, Opaque RCW#35.0, Yellow Green Organic, Opaque