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Original Real Color Wheel Pen Tablet Palettes in RGB and CMYK

Real Color Wheel main page and details.

Pen Tablet RCW RGB Palette, 36 colors, make an Image Palette of it. It's good for computer and web work. The colors are brighter than CMYK because of increased RGB gamut, RGB profiles that are not CMYK modified will not print correctly.
This crystal page shows the way nature disperses colors in each element's crystal, as they get darker.

These eighteen different color combinations as opposing pairs are able to make thirty-six colors darker in RGB and CMYK.

Real Color Wheel Pen Tablet Palette

Above is an RGB image, for painting or designing RGB images.
Below are the same colors from a CMYK image converted to RGB which you can use while working on a CMYK image.
This file can be used to accurately represent CMYK print colors in RGB artwork. Down load it and use it as a Photo Shop Image Palette. Download the CMYK Zip to print it out. After downloading, use the profile attached in the image and no profile in your printer.
Here is a link to the 10x6 300dpi CMYK, TIFF, Zip.

CMYK Real Color Wheel Pen Tablet Palette

Below is a round CMYK image converted to an RGB, you can print this low resolution image or I'll give you a 300 dpi one. The colors will stay the same when it converts itself back to a CMYK in the printing process.
The web won't show CMYK images unless they are converted to RGB.
Being round it is easy for the pigment artist to find opposite colors to mix for shadowing.

Real Color Wheel Pen Tablet Palette

Here's a link with details of the Real Color Wheel with a link to an RGB round pen tablet palette at 300dpi.

NEXT, Prisma Color Pencils on the Real Color Wheel, pencils.htm
PREVIOUS, RCW pigments and pigment link map, RCWtablemap.htm

END PAGE Last Painting w/tips


Order this complete color course on DVD, $35.00.
Order only a 5"x5" Laminated Real Color Wheel $10.00.

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