RCW color
chart for mixing neutral dark colors
This is how color shades and shadows happen in nature
using opposition colors.
as opposed to adding black pigment.
Click here for pigment information, tubecolors.htm
Cadmium Yellow
shades and changes to Burnt Umber or Raw Umber in nature, on the way to
Burnt Umber you can match all brown yellows, Naples Yellow, Yellow Oxide,
Mars Yellow, etc.,. Burnt Umber darkens with Ultramarine Blue to
make a neutral dark (like the undersides of clouds) Ultramarine Blue darkens
with Burnt Umber, of course.
Orange shades to Burnt Sienna first, than Burnt Sienna darkens to neutral with Cobalt Blue Deep. Cobalt Blue Deep shades with Burnt Sienna. Cad Red shades with (Cyan) Thalo Blue and Thalo Blue shades with Cad Red. Crimson Scarlet shades with Turquoise, Turquoise with Crimson Scarlet. Quinacridone Magenta shades, shadows, darkens with Thalo Green and vice versa. Dioxine Purple neutralizes to a shadow color with the transparent Permanent Sap Green and vice versa. The colors in
this top chart along the 'mixing white line' are used to mix dark neutrals
by using the 'black mixing line' colors of the bottom chart.
The top chart being
actual colors. The bottom chart shows the top charts opposite mixing color
used for making shadows.
Clicking on one
of seven color links opens a new window describing the color, its opposition
and mixing properties.
Start with A01 Ultramarine
Blue, A04 Cobalt Blue, A07 Thalo Cyan Blue, A10 Turquoise,
A13 Green, A16 Yellow Green, A19 Burnt Umber, etc.
Painting index, realcolorwheel.htm
Matching all tube colors to this Real Color Wheel, tubecolors.htm