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The Original

This is the only color wheel like this in the world.
It's original and made for the naturally realistic artist to paint what is seen.

Clickable Artist's Real Color Wheel matching pigments chart.
By tint and brand names.
These are mass color to top tone oil tubes with my favorite brands on the status bar..

All the dots are links to pigment colors. The center links to the photo color chip chart.

All dots are pigment links Naples Yellow Light Naples Yellow Deep Acrylic Vivid lime Green, Oil Yellow Green Opaque Brilliant Yellow Green, translucent in acrylics Cadmium Yellow Raw Sienna, translucent Cadmium Yellow Medium Raw Sienna, translucent Cadmium Orange, opaque Green Gold, Transparent Indian Yellow-Orange Lake Extra Yellow Raw Ocher, Opaque Translucent Yellow Oxide Chinese Vermilion Extra Permanent Green light Chromium Green Oxide Indian Yellow-Brown Transparent Burnt Sienna, translucent Cadmium Red Light, Opaque Thalo Green, transparent Raw Umber, translucent Burnt Umber, translucent Venetian Red Oxide, Opaque Opaque Green Light Pigment Photo Chip Chart Pigment Photo Chip Chart Rembrandt Rose, Translucent Turquoise Blue-Green, transparent Quinacridone Magenta, Warm Thalo Blue, Transparent Cobalt Magenta, Cool Ultramarine Blue, Translucent Ultramarine Blue Light Carbazole Dioxazine Purple, transparent Cobalt Blue French Ultramarine Blue Ultramarine Violet, Transparent

To match these colors to pigments go here

NEXT: 49 Pigment RCW Chip Chart, pigmentrcwmap.htm
EXTRA: RCW Color Wheel Explained, colorwheel.htm
PREVIOUS: Real Color Wheel lit click map, rcwfinalmap.htm

final.htm Course  | Wikihow/How to Use the Real Color Wheel   | CYMK Hexadecimal Colors and Codes  | Articles and Press Releases  | Site Tree/Index Paintings | Fresco

Order this complete color site on DVD, $35.00.
Order only a 5"x5" Laminated Real Color Wheel showing pigments $10.00.