Real Color Wheel

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Maui Fine Art Gallery
Donald A. Jusko, Maui Artist
Painting on Location, en plein air

This was a store 120 years ago, before there was a road all the way around Maui.

Huelo Old Store, 22x30, Acrylic on linen panel
This was a store 125 years ago, before there was a road all the way around Maui.
It's still a dirt road to get here, 2013

Acrylic Painting on Location

Links to all paintings  | gallery#1 with tips  | children learning color  | rainbows  | making mediums  | picturatranslucida  | painting waves  | 6 complements make neutral dark  | human proportions and painting  | painting fresco  | Wikihow/How to Use the Real Color Wheel