Real Color Wheel, colorwheel.htm
En Plein Aire - Painting Maui on Location
Oil Palette Colors

Brilliant Yellow-Green

Liquitex Acrylic, Translucent, PY3, PY97, PG7, PW6, 36RCW#36.0.7

It would be better if it was opaque, light translucent colors are a pain.
This is a color that is easy to make but easier to buy because I use so much of it. Make it with cadmium yellow light 7:1 Thalo blue for cool yellows or Thalo green for a warm yellows.

Translucent Yellow-Green is opposite translucent Ultramarine Violet and together they darken nicely.

Ultramarine Violet, Translucent
Ultramarine Violet, Transparent

Dioxine Purple Ultramarine Blue Cobalt Blue Thalo Cyan Blue Turquoise transparent Green Opaque Thalo Green
Burnt Umber Real Color Wheel in Pigments Permanent Green Light
Burnt Sienna
Venetian Red Yellow Green Opaque
Yellow Oxide
Naples Yellow Light Green Gold Transparent
Magenta Rembrandt Rose Cadmium Red Medium Cadmium Orange Indian Yellow Gold transparent Cadmium Yellow Medium Cadmium Yellow Pale

edu., art: Paint anything in front of you with accurate colors. Use a new, different, color wheel and palette that matches the light and shadows with pigments.

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