Old Holland Indian Yellow-Orange Lake Extra, Transparent, dual-toned, permanent synthetic.
Duel-toned means that two different colors are possible by thinning the mass-tone.
One is an opaque top-tone by adding white to make yellow and one a transparent undertone by adding clear medium also makes yellow.
A simple glaze of this transparent pigment will turn Blue to Green, it can warm up any color.
This is a primary Yellow O/s, Nickel Dioxine PY:153 or Tartrazine PY100 or Flaventhrone PY24, they can be used in a 3 color palette.
I use PY100 in my plotter as the transparent yellow permanent pigment ink, 5-11-9. Dry=pigment1:1water = wetpigment1:23water+ethylene-glycol1:1
It prints a beautiful black (or any other color) with three passes of the transparent primaries only.
PY:153 has an orange mas-tone, PY:150 has a brown mass-tone, PY:108 has a red-brown mass-tone and all three tint to yellow.
Nickel Azo PY:150 is used for location painting in acrylic and oil, I prefer this brown-to-yellow dual-toned transparent primary yellow to the Nickel Dioxine PY153 Indian orange-to-yellow.
The other two primary transparent colors are Magenta PR:122 and Cyan PB:15 They are the only 3 colors you need to paint anything in front of you.
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