Grumbacher Thalo Green Yellow/Side
36RCW#31.6.1 mass-tone, Transparent, PG36
Quinacridone Magenta
36RCW#13, Transparent PR122
Mussini Phthalo Green, B/s #31.6.9 Transparent mass-tone.
Mussini Phthalo Green, Y/s #31.6.1 Transparent mass-tone.
Blue/side is coolest, value 9. Yellow/side is the warmest, value 1.
Phathalocyanine is a permanent, lime safe synthetic.
Thalo Green has duel-tone qualities, in it's lighter top-tone tints it is a warmer color than its under-tone color.
It's not a true dual-tone color because it doesn't change colors as it gets lighter.
It is a very important secondary pigment being opposite to Magenta and making a dark neutral shadow
color that happens at mid-day any day the sun is shining.
I consider this color important to every palette.
Opposite colors mix to make a neutral dark. This combination of primary and secondary oppositions naturally makes a perfect Black or Gray of any shade. Magenta and Green is the perfect afternoon opposition, it can make either a warm or cool shadow for Green or Magenta.
Thalo Green now comes in Thalo/Phthalo/Pathalocyanine Green Blue/side (old news today, 8-2-9), and Pathalocyanine Green Yellow/side. The yellow side is more useful to me painting on location.
All Colors w/o descriptions, New Window tubecolors.htm