Cyan Blue, PB15.3 or PB15.4 or just PB15 as a Manganese or Copper hue, it is also called,
Thalo or Phthalo Blue which comes from the word phthalocyanine, it shades to
a neutral shadow color by adding it's opposite color Cadmium Red
It takes two transparent oppositions to mix neutral or one transparent
and one translucent color,
two translucent colors, or one transparent and one opaque. Two opaque colors just won't do it.
This was painted with red, cyan and white, see more color-in pages here.
the Masstone is much darker and translucent. |
Thalo Cyan Blue is a primary in the YMC painters color wheel and a secondary color in the RGB light color wheel.
Grumbacher Thalo Blue Transparent
Grumbacher Thalo Blue Transparent or Golden Manganese blue hue
Mixed with this opposite color.
Cadmium Red Light Opaque is the primary Red of the RGB light colorwheel.
It's a secondary painters color made with transparent yellow and transparent magenta.
Cadmium Red Light Opaque
NEXT Turquoise & Scarlet Crimson Rembrandt Rose opposition, rcwA10turq.htm
PREVIOUS Cobalt Blue & Cadmium Orange painting, rcwA4cobaltblue.htm