Turquoise, the color between Cyan and Green, 36RCW#27 can be purchased as a transparent or opaque color, we are talking about transparent colors mixing with it's opposite transparent color or translucent color, Scarlet/Crimson, PV19, 36RCW#12.
It takes two transparent opposition colors to mix a neutral dark or one transparent and one translucent color, two translucent colors, or one transparent and one opaque color. Two opaque colors just won't do it.
PB60 anthraquinone = Blue Deep to Turquoise
CCCY, Rembrandt Blue Green, a transparent Turquoise color.
PR 170:F5rk naphthol carbamide = Scarlet Pink
YMMM, Rembrandt Rose, PV:19
CCCY, Rembrandt Blue Green, Transparent
PB60 anthraquinone = Blue Deep to Turquoise
Is mixed with this opposite color.
YMMM, Rembrandt Rose, Translucent Scarlet/Crimson
PR 260 isoindolin = Indian Yellow Golden, Vermilion to Red Scarlet
PR 170:F5rk naphthol carbamide = Scarlet Pink
PV19 quinacridone = Rose
NEXT Thalo Green & Quinacridone Magenta Painting, rcwA13green.htm
PREVIOUS Thalo Blue & Cadmium Red Painting, rcwA7cyan.htm