Learn the Real Color Wheel
Dioxine Purple Ultramarine Blue Cobalt Blue Thalo Cyan Blue Turquoise transparent Green Opaque Thalo Green
Burnt Umber Real Color Wheel in Pigments CenterW Permanent Green Light
Burnt Sienna Top Space
Venetian Red Yellow Green Opaque CENTER
Yellow Oxide bottom SPACE
Naples Yellow Light Green Gold Transparent Bottom
Magenta Rembrandt Rose Cadmium Red Medium Cadmium Orange Indian Yellow Gold transparent Cadmium Yellow Medium Cadmium Yellow Pale
Painting Maui Hawaii on Location

Hana Rope Swing

Acrylic on Panel, 22x30

First paint in the sky, that will set the tone for the whole picture. Put the high and low tones in each major area next, that is sometimes called the local color. The highlights and deep shadows finish the painting. It's really easy when you paint in acrylics. Always start in the top left hand corner, if your right handed. It's neater that way, you can crawl all over the picture with out making a mess.

Maui, Hawaii, Hana Bay Acrylic
NEXT Painting with Tips, Hana Bay Picnic Area, 06.htm
PREVIOUS Painting with Tips, Aloha Island Waves, 04.htm

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5"x5" Laminated Real Color Wheel $10.00.

colour cat