Real Color Wheel main page link
by Don Jusko
These little palette colors
will take you to new windows
Dioxine Purple Ultramarine Blue Cobalt Blue Thalo Cyan Blue Turquoise transparent Green Opaque Thalo Green
Burnt Umber Real Color Wheel in Pigments Permanent Green Light
Burnt Sienna
Venetian Red Yellow Green Opaque
Yellow Oxide
Naples Yellow Light Green Gold Transparent
Magenta Rembrandt Rose Cadmium Red Medium Cadmium Orange Indian Yellow Gold transparent Cadmium Yellow Medium Cadmium Yellow Pale
and describe each pigment
color on the colorwheel.
Painting on Location

Painting a Color Wheel

3 Primary Transparent Colors

This page is using CMYK colors converted to RGB.
This CMYK image was converted to RGB, convert it back to CMYK to print.
CMYK Real Color Wheel

That is the color wheel we will be copying, don't darken each color yet.

Painting a full color wheel with three transparent primary colors is simple. Draw a circle.

At the top-middle of a ten degree pie shaped wedge is the first primary color, a dual-toned orange-to-yellow transparent primary. Cadmium Yellow Light opaque is the same hue as a tint of Indian Yellow O/s transparent. Read Red Right

Primary Transparent Magenta is 120º to the right of yellow. Add white to get pink.

To the left of yellow is Primary Transparent Cyan, add white to get O.H. Scheveningen blue deep opaque. This completes the circle and the primary triangle.

To make a secondary color add 100% of the primary colors as shown in black. Because the pigments are transparent they can be painted in any order.
If your painting a full colorwheel including the darks, use the opposite color to darken each color not black. Darken the mass-tone of transparent yellow with Burnt Umber and the mass-tone of cyan with Ult. Blue.

This is the yellow printing plate of the RCW color wheel. Black represents yellow. #31 to #7 are solid yellow. From #30 to #26 are 80% yellow, 60%, 40%, 20%. Number #25 cyan has no yellow in it, #13 magenta has no yellow in it either.

Yellow Plate
black is yellow in this plate. Colors from yellow to red use the red's brown to darken their color.
CMYK Real Color Wheel Yellow plate

Magenta Plate
Black is magenta in this plate. Adding the opposite color, cyan, to red will make a dark brown,
the same color which will also darken orange and yellow to dark brown. Dark brown is one step away from neutral dark.
CMYK Real Color Wheel Magenta plate

Cyan Plate
Black is cyan in this plate. Start adding Magenta to cyan at #25.6 (the 6th block down) to make dark cyan. #25.7 should look like ult. blue.
The cyan to blue wedges use blue's dark. The yellow to red wedges use red's dark.
CMYK Real Color Wheel Cyan plate

Yellow Magenta Cyan Plates in color, no opposite colors added to make darks.
Yellow, Magenta & Cyan only

You can print and color this one in.
Real Color Wheel 7in Templet to color in

Jusko 12 Color Star, painted with oil paints using RCW opposite pigments
to darken each color. 1996 - Each color is removable.
Jusko RCW 12 color star

Photo shot outside
RCW 12 color star

My painting of a Real Color Wheel in acrylics.
Acrylic painting of RCW

3 primary pigments coloring water, 3rd grade students

Start with 6 clear glasses filled 1/2 way with water. Get plenty of clean water for painting. Clean water and brush for each color. Use the tip of the brush to pick up a little color and merge it in your display water .
3 primaries 3 secondaries

This image is in RGB Color Space and as an RGB it prints with a 20º color shift in blue and cyan.
The color shift doesn't show up in RGB but it does when you print it.
RGB Real Color Wheel

Here is a list of RCW PIGMENTS from Old Holland and Sennelier from one retail company.
You don't need the Caput Mortum, Thalo Green Turquoise Opaque, Cyan blue opaque or any of the tubed whites. Do get the O.H. Phthalo Blue Green/Shade instead of the Blue/Shade.
Jar white has a better stroking consistency.
RCW pigments

Here is a 12RCW with instructions and a painting templet.
Colored pencils mounted on the Real Color Wheel, free blank color wheel
Tube Oil Colors matching the RCW

NEXT Water Colors using 3 transparent colors. Pukalani Cypress, Anthurium, Turtle
PREVIOUS RCW Teacher in Florida, 2nd page
Order this complete color course on DVD, $35.00.
Order a 5"X5" Laminated Real Color Wheel with instructions $15.00

edu., art: Paint anything in front of you with accurate colors. Use a new, different, color wheel and palette that matches the light and shadows with pigments.