Painting on Location
by Donald A. Jusko
Don Jusko American Artist
colour cat

Ulapalakua Ranch Store

Upcountry Maui, Hawaii, Don Jusko, #977, 7-1-9

Real Color Wheel for Artists on Location, this painting used this color wheel.

Jump ahead nine months here with me. Today is 3/9/10. On Day 9 of the painting I had no idea that - that would be the last day of the rainy season for what was to be nine months. Well it's coming back! The rainy season is here again!.. I hate it because it's colder. I feel safe that when I wake up early and it's raining the road and the flag at the store will at least be wet. It takes me an hour to get out there. I tried one day when it rained here but still there was no rain there. In the meantime I did these five pastel painting and went to "live model" sessions twice a week.
Pastel paintings on location, new window.

The PAINT WARS have been going on since lard was the medium of choice and replaced with grain paste, than sap. Today there is a new-kid in the pastel industry. I'm all for the new chemical pigments being used in a classic medium like pastels. This new company has given me a true dark magenta, dark cyan and a color known in all other paint media as translucent dual-toned Indian Yellow. Now this same pigment is put on chalk by This gives an opaque light orange which in small quantities is yellow. A dual-toned pastel! That's a PAINT WAR entry to search for in my site, there is a search box at the top of this page. Now, chemical colors added to pastels giving colors never before possible.

Started "Ulapalakua Store" painting in acrylics today. Buildings always take longer, it took 2.5 days to make the drawing. I have decided to paint a foggie, rainy day since that is what today is in Ulapalakua.

First and second day, drawing with charcoal, 7-1-9.


Day 1 draw charcoal
Third day, converted the charcoal drawing to a light blue outline. Clean it up at and at night added full coat of jar white to make the paint slide. Start adding color.

Day 3

Day 3, 7-3-9, six hours adding color

Shirly Dumo of Kanaio is painting also using water soluble oil.

Day 4,
It has been very tricky for me to get the details of the building, there are so many trees in the way.

Day6, 7-11-9
I got some rain today and painted in the road. Added the sky reflection on the wet roof. Started the trees with 2 coats of white. where some of the highlights are. Then the first coat of color. Finished the grill stack

Day 7.
Someone had parked in my space today so I painted 8' to the left. Yea it was bad.. but my drawing is finished so it wasn't a total loss and I did get some rain about 4:00 this afternoon. The trees were the object for today, I would really like to keep the pure blue next to the roof because I do like to have a set of pure complements, yellow and blue would be nice. Look at what a wash of yellow ocher did for the road.


day 7
Day 8, 7-13-9
Christy is helping me proof read my web site so I an taking a few days off. I'm also repainting my van with One Shot paint, it has lead in the colors so the color will last longer. The painting still isn't 100% covered with paint, that's when I feel I half way finished. Ok, I drove out there, 30 minutes and painted this morning. There was no rain like I had hoped for but it was cloudy so I got 3 hours of painting in. I worked on the background and foreground trees. I'm just about half-way finished.

Day 9 on 1-6-11
3 hours working on the trees. The sky is clearing, I'm going home. It's been a year since it rained, the next rain should be coming soon. I still have the fence, flag and building walls to finish.
10-27-10, it's raining this week. That was a bust. 12-22-10, We still haven't got rain two days in a row and I still have not finished the painting.
1-6-11, It rained and I high-tailed it to Ulapalakua, the rain was just ending but I did get the fence in before the sun came out. The flag laid still so I'm not sure how the stripes bend around. I think I can finish at home, I have a flag and I can fill in the white correction spot in the trees.

Not Finished - 15 months & counting since 6-28-9

Day 10 on 5-22-11
5-22-11, Happy Memorial Day to you, it's a long weekend and I'm finishing Ulapalakua Store today. Starting with the correction white in the middle ground trees and the flag. Between the picket fence posts I added the correct color. The white correction color on the buildings windows needed a glaze, the chair needed color after the flag was painted in. That's it, I'm finished, sign it, #977. I've been seeing this painting everyday for almost 2 years, waiting for day I could finish it. Now I can get back to the still life that has been sitting here for 5 months. Dried protea don't change much after they dry. Ha, it's 3-9-12 and the painting still hasn't been worked on yet, but the setup is still in place and I see it every day. It's been 8 months now, protea are good as dried flowers, they never change.  "5 Proteas"

Ulapalakua Store in the rain finished

NEXT Polli's Mexican Restaurant, acrylic 22x15, Makawao, Maui, #978
PREVIOUS Jacaranda 2011, #976w/Julie, #979chem-trail, #980liqshack, jacaranda2011acr.htm

Life Figure Painting oil, mirror self portrait
Life Drawing, Don, Pastel

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Updated: 01/27/2014
Dioxine Purple Ultramarine Blue Cobalt Blue Thalo Cyan Blue Turquoise transparent Green Opaque Thalo Green
Burnt Umber Real Color Wheel in Pigments CenterW Permanent Green Light
Burnt Sienna Top Space
Venetian Red Yellow Green Opaque
Yellow Oxide bottom SPACE
Naples Yellow Light Green Gold Transparent Bottom
Magenta Rembrandt Rose Cadmium Red Medium Cadmium Orange Indian Yellow Gold transparent Cadmium Yellow Medium Cadmium Yellow Pale