Painting on Location
by Donald A. Jusko

Fresco Supplies, Zecchi, Florence

Buon and Secco Fresco

These are the supplies I ordered from Zecchi in Florance to paint a fresco. Zecchi is the best at ancient restoration of buon fresco murals. These are 2003 prices.

Hi Massimo,

Look over my changes and additions and send it here. Thanks for all your work. Our purchase transaction and the mural in progress are here.

This is what I need, starting from scratch. 1Euro = $1.16
Order #1

11X 100 gr. Terre polvere gr.
1 - Natural earths,
(1) S785 100gr. Bianco DiZinco E2.07.
Some have said it is good to add a little zinc white to the clear lime paste so when the lime paste dries white there won't be as big a difference from when the paint was wet. I say that's old news, titanium white works better.
(2) 0784 100gr. Yellow Ocher E2.07
(3) 0782 100gr Italian Warm Ocher E 2.07
(4)0813 100 gr. Terra di Siena Bruciata.Raw Sienna E2.30
(5)0801 100gr. Burnt Sienna E2.07
(6)0798 100gr. Burnt Umber E2.07
(7)0008 100gr. Red Ocher  E2.07
(8)0010 100gr. Pozzuoli Red E2.07

4X 100 gr. Pigmenti polv. Gr. 2 - Dry pigments
0941 100gr. Vine Black E2.58
0012 100gr. Verdaccio, Green Earth Deep, E2.58
0787 100gr. Ult Blue deep E2.58
0788 100gr. Ult Blue light E2.58

100 gr. Blu cobalto scuro polvere - Dry pigment

1X 50 gr. Giallo cadmio ch. Ex. - dry pigment
0591 50 gr. Cad Yellow Extra Fine E5.68. For w/c.

1X 50 gr. Giallo di Napoli Ch. - dry pigment
0072 100gr. Naples Yellow Light

1X 100 gr. Cinabrese polv. - dry pigment
0404 100gr. E3.36 Cinabrese. flesh tint.E3.36

1X 50 gr. Rosso cadmio medio - dry pigment
0989 50 gr. cad red light Extra fine. E7.23

2X 50 gr. Verde e blu Ftalo - Pathalo pigments
3000 50 gr Pathalo green E3.90
3006 50 gr Pathalo blue E3.90

1X 20 gr. Giallo indiano sost. - dry pigment, nickel complex.
0998 20 gr. Giallo indiano (sobst) E 8.30. Indian yellow B/s.

1X 300 ml. Medium alla caseina - Casein medium, casein works well with fresco, dries clear.

1X 3 Lt. Calce dolce per affresco - Aged lime
0200 L. Calce Dolce. Lime White Paste. 2 years seasoned.  ml.800 = E4.00. 
Kg5 = E10.00*.   3 liters = E10.50
E10.50 (I use this to make a thinner lime paste to mix into pigments, it's whiter then the hydrated lime I can get dry.

1X 3 Lt. Intonaco pronto - ready plaster
2070 Intonaca in pasta. with sand. 3 liters = E16.00

1 Spugna naturale diam. 16 - Natural sponge
53/ cm.16 = E19.06* Natural Sponge 5', E19.06

12 Barattoli di vetro 100 ml. - Glass empty jars,
0,45 ea. E10,80

Speedizione EMS E104,52
Totale E. = 362,00
Total $425.92

End of fresco supplies 1st order

Start order 2

1 X 50 gr. Colore vegetale "Verzino" vegetal pigment, not for fresco.

1 X 50 gr. Colore vegetale "Sangue Drago" vegetal pigment, not for fresco.

1 X 10 gr. Colore naturale "Carminium" Natural pigment, Cad Orange and Red

1 X 10 gr. Colore Vegetale "Lacca garanza" vegetal pigment, not for fresco.

1 X 50 gr. Colore vegetale" Indaco" vegetal pigment, not for fresco.

1 X 50 gr. Pigmento Cremisi Alizarina - Alizarin Crimson

4 X 100 gr. Bianchi in polvere - White pigments, lime pigment, white earth, titanium and zinc white.

1 Macinello - Colour glass muller diam. Cm. 07 = 3"

20 Tubetti vuoti - ml. 20 Empty tubes

NETTO E. 110,10
EMS Internation.              44.30

Total US $178.64

Start 3rd order

(5) x 100 gr. Terre polvere     grade. 1 - Natural earths
Cromium Green Oxide, 100gr,
NERO DI MARTE,  Mars Black, 100gr 
TERRA D'OMBRA NATURALE,  Raw Umber, No797 gr.100
ROSSO ERCOLANO, Hurculaiam Red,  No2600 gr.100
TERRA VERDE CALDA, Warm Green Earth No020 gr100

(1) x 100 gr. Pigmenti polv. grade 2 - dry pigments
CAPUT MORTUM No760 gr.100

(3) x 50, grade 3. Cerulean, Viridian & Turch - dry pigment
CERULEO No962 gr.50 Cerulean
VERDE SMERALDO EXTRA No807  gr.50 Viridian
BLU DI COBALTO TURCHESE No099 gr.50 Turquoise Cobalt

(1) x 50 grade?, Vermilion - dry pigment
CINABRO ORIGINALE, Vermilian Genuine, No.050 gr.50

(2) x grade?, Cobalt blue light
GALLO, Naples Yellow, 50gr

NETTO E. 84,93
Spedizione FRACASSI, 46,07
Total US $151.96

End order 3

Total of 3 orders,

Total US $425.92
Total US $178.64
Total US $151.96
= US $754.00

I also got, Thalo Green, an important color from Daniel Smith. I think I got Thalo red from them also, but I put it in a jar without a label on it so I can't be sure. It isn't in their catalog, nor Zecchi's catalog, but they are the only two I purchased from. Sometimes you have to ask. Thalo red is such an important color to me, looking back on my past tests, I see it is not marked with a D.S., that means I got it from Zecchi. I'll email them today, 3-28-4. 7-13-4 Still no answer. 3-20-05 Never did get an answer.

3 Primary Dry Pigments; Indian yellow PY153 from Zecchi, Magenta PR122 from Sennelier, Cyan PB15.3 from Senopia.

Start W/C supplies,

I'm making pan watercolors from each pigment to test in a painting.
Warm Oxgall, or alcohol or ammonia to break down the pigment, a little warm Gum arabic, a Little honey to make it paint smoothly and preservative for the vegetable pigments.

1X 100 gr. Curcuma - Vegetal pigment
0142E 100 gr. Curcuma is a transparent vegetable yellow. Curcuma becomes a burnt seinna hue when mixed with Parametil Sodico, a non toxic preservative. This tints to light yellow but is too hard to control. E2.80 per 100 gr. For w/c.

1X 20 gr. Giallo indiano sost. - dry pigment, Nickel Complex pigment, B/s.
0998 20 gr. Giallo indiano (sobst) E 8.30. Indian yellow B/s.

2X 50 gr.
Lacca magenta e porpora - dry pigment, Thioindaco pigment
3300 Lacca Magenta (not in catalogue) 50 gr. Magenta E7.00. Chemical color, Thioindaco pigment

1X 10 gr Zafferano vero - Vegetal pigment
0205 10 gr Saffron. 0205 E25.82 Euro per 10 grms. Indian Yellow O/s duel-tone light yellow to dark orange.

1X 500 gr. Gomma arabica - Arabic gum. Powered.

1X 50 gr. Parametil sodico - Preservative
Parametil Sodico, a non toxic preservative for animal or vegetal pigments. Use 5/1000. It will avoid any risk.

1X 500 gr. Cera Api naturale Toscana - Bees wax, for Cera Colla from the famed 'honey mountain'.

24 Barattoli di vetro 100 ml. - Glass empty jars

End W/C supplies .

Start Oil supplies

1X 100 gr. Mastice di Kios - Mastic tears
2230/3501  100 gr. Chios Mastic resin in tears 22.00

1X 125 ml. Vernice mastice - Mastic varnish
3510 Chios Mastic  ml.125 = E13.00

1X 500 gr. Litargirio - Litharge, for Maroger's Medium, mediumtable.htm
0100  100 gr. Litharge Massicot # 0.  2.80. 500gr. = E14.00

a cloned copy of the fresco index
FRESCO PAGE LINKS, new windows

Pre-Fresco Links

Forum has a Q&A fresco section (forumpaintingonlocation.htm) 1
Fresco Index (fresco.htm) 2
Ordering Fresco Supplies, Florence (frescosupplies.htm) 3 THIS PAGE

Metal Lath and Aggregates (frescolathsandtest.htm) 4
Fresco Forms and molds (frescoformswires.htm) 5
6 Color blends chart (fresco6colorblends.htm) 6
30 Color Chart, Fresco & Secco (fresco3colorchart.htm) 7
37 Color Chart, Buon & Secco pigment (frescopigments.htm) 8
Pigment and Lime Color Tests (fresco8limeeffectingpigments.htm) 9
Color chart, Main Blends, Mortar Pressure Shine (fresco5maincolorchart.htm) 10

Fresco 3 Primary Colors test (fresco4test3colors.htm) 11
Alcohol, Ammonia, Egg, Casein, Results (fresco7alcammeggcas.htm) 12
Making Lime Mortar - White Cement Mortar, Paint Tests (frescomortarBaseRCW.htm) 13
Mortar Hardness, Alum (fresco9mortarhardness.htm) 14
Intonaco Time & ThicknessTests, Bird Paridise (frescointonacotimetest.htm) 15
Giornate cuts (fresco11giornatecuts.htm) 16
Making Fresco Trowels (frescomakingtrowels.htm) 17
Traveling fresco palette (fresco15travpalette.htm) 18

Start Painting Buon Fresco
Half Size Bella Fresco (fresco1basrelief.htm) 19
Bella fresco, secco (fresco2bellasecco.htm) 20
Pigment & Medium Wet Scrubbed Test (fresco10mediumscrub.htm) 21
Titanium undercoat, 3 primary colors, Duracell fresco (fresco12whiteunderduracell.htm) 22
Tomatoes, red to magenta color tests (fresco13tomatoesredmagenta.htm) 23
John's fresco portrait (fresco14john1portrait.htm) 24
John's fresco portrait 2 (fresco16john2portrait.htm) 25
Cad Red, Yellow, Titanium White, Green Earth Test (frescoredyelwhtgrtest.htm) 26
Color Tests on Green Earth (frescogreenearthcolortest.htm) 27
Test, blue colors, absorption times (frescolimecolorabsorption.htm) 28

Finished Buon Frescos
Fresco Paintings on Location, Waldorf, NY (frescopaintingonlocation.htm) 29
Anita Rodriguez-Wakelin, President Fresco Society (frescoonionstrawberry.htm) 30
Fresco Paintings 1, Links on panels and tiles. (frescopaintings.htm) 31
Little Gymnast, Self Portrait (frescopaintings2.htm) 32
Panels & Tiles with Development History, Orange & Frame (frescopaintings3.htm) 33
Remove Calcium Carbonate Crust, 6 Frescos (frescopaintings4.htm) 34
Aureola Cherries, 3 Peppers, 2 Peppers (frescopaintings5.htm) 36
NY Mural, Eagle - Gladiolas, Return Maui, Fresco Links. (frescopaintings6.htm) 37
Odd Fruits, Yellow Lilies, Brass Urn, Fresco Links (frescopaintings7.htm) 38
Top of the Line, Red Wine Bottle & 2 glasses, Cera Colla Shine (frescopaintings8.htm) 39
Bromeliads, Passion Fruit (frescopaintings9.htm) 40
Hala Fruit, Red Flowers (frescopaintings10.htm) 41
PR122 arrived, show tests, DVD movie, Latour Wine (frescopaintings11.htm) 42
Compare open time, white cement and lime mortar (frescopaintings12.htm) 43

Waldorf School Frescos below
Teaching Fresco to 7th Grade, Waldorf School, Maui (frescowaldorfschool1.htm) 44
Students made Trowels and Laying Mortar (frescowaldorfschool2.htm) 45
Students showing finished 8x8 buon frescoes (frescowaldorfschool3.htm) 46
Waldorf School Student Pictures & 12x12 Frescoes (frescowaldorfschool4.htm) 47

NY 82x155 Buon Fresco Mural Below
Water Color Pigments on Bas-relief Buon Fresco (fresco1littlesalmon.htm) 48
Full Color Acrylic Painting as Scaled Fresco Cartoon (fresco1acrylicpainting) 49
12x25 fresco scale model (fresco1mexico12x25.htm) 50
82x155 fresco preperation (fresco1mexico82x155.htm) 51
82x155 buon fresco NY mural base, 6-29-4 (fresco1mural-baseRCW.htm) 52
82x155 buon fresco mural, 7-10-4 (fresco1mural2.htm) 53
82x155 buon fresco mural, 7-17-4 to 7-24-4 (fresco1mural3.htm) 54
82x155 buon fresco mural, to 8-8-4 Finished (fresco1mural4.htm) 55

Here is a page of the Sistine Chapel, the best I have ever seen of it.

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