This course teaches the principles
of accurate drawing and painting techniques on location. This course is all about color and the "Real Color Wheel". Mix shadow colors with opposition colors.
The 36 color Real Color Wheel converting light to pigments is based on crystal color transitions. It is an artist friendly pigment color wheel. Different from all others If you paint on location and paint what you see, you should read the tips included with each painting. I re-read them to keep sharp off my own notes :) These paintings show the full range of neutral dark pigment colors. They are made with true complementary colors, instead of opaque pigment black. My "Real Color Wheel" matches pigment and light, perfectly. Please visit my gallery to see scenes of Maui painted with this palette. Go to this 'End' page, it's all linked backward from here, click the previous button to see my latest painting with painting tips. FOR ARTISTS, PIGMENT COLOR AND ITS HISTORY. HERE ARE NINE OF THE FORTY HEADINGS IN THE FULL COURSE
Go to the Indexed Site Tree. Very handy. New window.
Go to my FIRST painting on location with painting tips. New window
Go to my LATEST painting on location with painting tips. New window