I'M MAKING A PRIMARY W/C PALETTE STARTING WITH A TRANSPARENT PERMANENT WATER COLOR PIGMENT AND A MEDIUM BASE MADE OF GUM AND HONEY. 8-20-13, Here are all the results of the making water color tests. * START MAKING MAGENTA AND OPERA WATERCOLOR. 8-15-13, I've been working on this for 3 days now. My magenta OEM magenta ink mix was the perfect color but as it ends up there are too many other chemicals in the ink and as a watercolor it ran while in the mail. OEM100:100GumAribic. It had been weeks drying but it never did. Now I'm going to use the Spectra PR122. The old best ratio was, 10 drops of alcohol, 10 Spectra PR122, 20 drops Gum, 4 drops of honey. (5 drops of honey never dried) I still have to make a big batch and test it. Ammonia dissolved the PR122 better, alcohol made clumps of color.
At the same time I'm making Opera W/c.
These are the same pigments I use in my giclee printer/plotter to print the Real Color Wheel. I made a new plastic palette, the top 3 wells are: #1, a brown tartrazine mixture, #2 a medium red-brown and a light yellow.
Transparent Clear Yellow, (4) PY:100 Spectra Color Tartrazine, (15) gum, (4) honey
NEXT: Colors of & making Colloidal Silver
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END PAGE: Last Painting w/tips